Chapter Thirty Eight

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The Truth


12 Grimmauld Place lost it's eerie nature as Molly Weasley's wand waved, causing decorations to appear all around the house.

Arden sat alone in the bedroom she was staying in. Ron had practically forced her to join Harry and the Weasleys for Christmas. After the first 3 rejections, she gave in, she wasn't too fond of the students staying back at Hogwarts anyway.

She'd been isolated from everyone else since she'd arrived at the town house. The amount of information she'dbeen hearing all at once had troubled her. Finding out that Arthur Weasley was attacked by Lord Voldemort's snake, and no one told her had made Arden upset. Finding out that Harry could see in the mind of the Dark Lord, and that he went to St Mungo's also upset her.

No one had been telling her everything, and Harry had been keeping her in the dark. It took him long enough to invite her into the D.A, why wasn't she being told anything? It annoyed her, that Harry had no problem wishing for Misteltoe that the Room of Requirement granted, almost kissing her, but couldn't tell her anything about the near death of one of her friends' father.

Ever since the mistletoe appeared above them, she started to grow a dislike to Harry. His constant negative attitude, being upset that he wasn't Arden's boyfriend. It annoyed her, to the point that she was willing to sacrifice their friendship if it meant she wouldn't have to deal with his desperation.

As soon as Arden arrived, she had tucked her necklace underneath her turtleneck collar, hiding it from sight. She had speculated whether or not to show it off, only to feel the satisfaction of annoying Harry, but she knew that was immature. She didn't want to ruin the holiday for the Weasleys, and kept the necklace hidden.

Ron has been struggling with trying to hang out with the two. He'd sit in the middle of them, trying to spark up a conversation, but it would only end with Arden insulting Harry and leaving to talk to the twins.

What Arden has noticed is her lack of referring to Harry by his first name. As the days go on, more often she calls him 'Potter' than Harry. This was only one of the things that would cause the two to start fighting.

"Gosh, famous Potter is sulking because the girl he like doesn't like him back." Arden spat. Harry didn't look at her. He was leaning over the stair railing on the second floor. Arden stood right behind him, trying to rile him up.

"Arden I don't need you or your insults today." Harry muttered. "You've been hurting me a lot lately, can't you take a break?" He snapped.

Arden scoffed. "And you never even thought for one second that your negativity was hurting me?" She said.

"I don't know what you're-"

"The glaring? The negativity? The insults towards my boyfriend? You thinking that I belong to you?" She listed.

Harry lifted his head from his hands and looked at Arden. "I do not think that." He  said lowly. His voice was shaken, and almost dark.

Arden stepped away. "Well it makes sense. Your behaviour, wanting me to be with you, and hating Draco-"

"That's just jealousy! And of course I'd want you to be with me if I liked you!" He paused. "Why would you even consider that I thought of you as property? That I owned you? Do you really think I'm that bad?"

Tears welled up in his emerald green eyes. Arden came closer to him and later a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"When you and Draco fought." She began. "Did you two say anything?" She asked, her voice uneasy.

"I'll admit, I said some nasty things." Harry began. "But I didn't say that you were mine." Harry sighed.

Arden's nails dug into Harry's shoulder as she tried to contain the emotions she felt. Anger? Sadness? Betrayal?

"I swear." Harry whispered.

Then it broke her. Arden ripped her hand off of Harry and sobbed. She didn't know if it were tears of anger, confusion or whatever emotion she felt.

She only knew that Draco lied to her.

To anyone else, this would seem small. To Arden, being told that Harry thought of her as his own property made her distant. It made her question her close friendship with Harry.

Why would he say that? Why would Draco need to lie about it? Was it to keep Arden all to himself?

So many questions that needed answers, it was overwhelming Arden to the point that she didn't even feel Harry's embrace.

Harry turned her around, and they locked eye contact.

"Hey, its fine." Harry urged.

Arden's emotions were a complete mess. She became lost in Harry's rich green eyes and sobbed a little less. Her cheeks were bright red from the anger and betrayal that she felt.

As Harry began to walk away, Arden did something that she would forever regret. Something she wouldn't have done if she weren't blinded by rage. Something unfaithful.

Arden grabbed Harry's shoulders, and pulled him into a kiss.


I hate myself.

Okay, in terms of years 6 and 7 (maybe onwards) I think I might keep it all in one book. This is because I don't want to change to another one, and lose some readers.
Also, because I wanted to limit each book to 50 chapters, and where we are in year 5 now I have 12 chapters left, and I really don't think that it'll be enough.
So I might just keep Arden and Draco's entire story in this one book, it seems to make sense to me. I hope you're happy with that.

Please don't hate me for what I just did, this scene was planned since the fight happened.

As to why Arden would kiss Harry, it's entirely unknown. It's obviously NOT because she has feelings for him. I feel that Arden was so emotional, and didn't know what to feel, that it overwhelmed her and that the only thing she could do was kiss Harry, which she knew would anger Draco.

I guess in a way she was 'getting even' but oh lord, she will definitely regret this moment for a long long time.

What do you think will happen next?

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