Chapter Fourty Eight

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Borgin and Burkes

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was the last place Arden wanted to be. She was proud of Fred and George for creating such a successful store, but the loud atmosphere and millions of people running around made her uncomfortable.

She found herself staying in the section that aimed products towards girls. Makeup, pygmy puffs, perfume, and love potions.

Arden quickly picked up a few bottles of the vanilla scented perfume that she'd been using since third year, but she couldn't leave to buy them as she was busy staring at the love potions.

Fluorescent pink liquid bubbled in the heart shaped bottles. Some less fluorescent than others, some with a red tint, some disguised as perfume, all were potions made by different manufacturers, despite them all having the same text written on the back.

Watch out, these potions can strengthen the longer they're kept.

Arden saw Fred and George walking over to her, and she quickly put the potion back on the shelf.

"Trying to win back ol' Malfoy eh?" George asked. "They really do work, if you were wondering."

"I wasn't wondering." Arden argued. "I was just distracted by the pretty colours..." She lied.

Fred looked almost guilty as he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Ron told us everything." He said apologetically. "I'm sorry about what happened. If it makes you feel better, you can pick whatever you like from the sweets section." Fred smiled.

"On us." George finished.

Arden smiled. She looked back hopelessly at the potion, she couldn't deny that she had thought about somehow making Draco consume it... but would that really satisfy her? Would it be just as bad as before? Knowing that he only loved her because of a potion that causes infatuation and not true love? She shook the thoughts from her head and accepted the twins' offer, it was almost impossible to say no to those two.

Arden caught up with Harry, Ron and Hermione after buying her things and picking out her free sweets. The four of them hung around outside, then Arden noticed the familiar head of blonde hair.

She looked at him and froze. There he was, even taller than last year, almost like a skyscraper. He was wearing a fully black, well fitted suit, and his hair was neatly styled, making him look like the gentleman that he wasn't.

He and his mother were walking out of Madam Malkin's, but stopped when Arden and Draco made eye contact.

It only lasted a second, but the connection between the two made it feel like it lasted for hours. Draco's eyes widened as he saw Arden's once baggy clothes now hug her feminine figure tighlty. Draco cursed under his breath as he gaped at how Arden had matured over the summer. The longer he stared, the more he became frustrated.

He cleared the dirty thoughts out of his head and glared at her instead. The feeling of hope and unconditional love quickly left Arden's mind as she noticed Draco's glare. She couldn't find it in herself to glare back, and instead stared at her shoes.

"I'd like to leave now." She mumbled. Hermione held onto Arden's hand and started to lead her back to the Leaky Cauldron, but Ron was suspicious with where Draco and his mother were running off to.

"Harry, d'you think we should check that out?" He asked as Narcissa Malfoy checked that no one was following her and her beloved son.

Harry nodded. Arden reluctantly followed, but realised she had nowhere else to go, and followed close behind.


Draco found it hard to concentrate on his task at hand, he was too busy thinking about seeing Arden with the trio. Actually, he didn't care who she was with, he was just in such a state of shock from seeing how she had matured so gracefully over the summer. If only he and Arden were not apart, then he could feel her body against his.

"Draco, focus." Narcissa urged, noticing her son's focus being put on other things. She led her son down Knockturn Alley, and ushered him into the dark artifacts shop Borgin and Burkes. Narcissa simply looked around at the artefacts she had seen about a million times, while Draco made his way to the counter to talk to the owner, Borgin.

Draco nonchalantly leaned against the counter with his arms folded, giving off a calm and confident attitude. 

"I need you to tell me how you'd repair a broken one of those things." Draco demanded as he pointed at the triangular cabinet nearby. Borgin slowly eyed Draco suspiciously and began to refuse.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Arden were all hidden nearby, watching Draco threaten Borgin. They couldn't hear what Draco was saying, but it looked like he was desperate.

Arden didn't feel right spying on Draco like this, how was she meant to get over him if her friends were so interested in his activities?

"Guys, I think I'll head back to Fred and George..." She whispered. The three nodded, realising her discomfort in the situation and let her leave.

"You will keep that cabinet safe for me." Draco ordered. Draco lifted up his sleeve to expose the Dark Mark that was permanently drawn onto his skin. Borgin was visibly shaken as Draco showed his allegiance to the Dark Lord, threatening to bring his 'friends' in if Borgin did not do as he asked.

And right then, Harry cursed under his breath. Right as Arden leaves, Draco exposes his biggest secret.

"We have to tell her." Harry whispered.

Hermione smacked his shoulder, making Harry nearly fall off of the roof they were hiding on.

"Do not do that! She doesn't need to know..." 


Draco left with a peculiar object wrapped in brown paper, and returned to Diagon Alley where he was to meet with his mother who left while he was sorting out his deal with Borgin. Draco felt his thoughts about his mission become hazy as he smelt the sweet scent of vanilla in the air. He closed his eyes in bliss as he let it wash over him. It was her scent, the scent that he loved oh so much.

When he opened his eyes he saw her standing outside of the Weasley's store. She held her shopping bag, and was looking around hopelessly. She was alone.

Draco fought every urge in his body to run to her and apologise, to tell her his true feelings and that he only wanted to keep her safe. Instead, he stared at her longingly, hoping to god that she didn't look back at him, for staring into her beautiful eyes again might make him faint.

Arden kept staring down at her sneakers. She hoped that her friends would hurry so she could stop being alone with her thoughts. 

Spending so much time with her friends kept her mind occupied, it was a way to cope with her heartache. However when she was alone, Draco was the only thing on her mind.

The ex lovers eventually locked eye contact again. Draco's stern expression softened to one that was apologetic. As he turned away to leave the alley, Arden could have sworn she saw a tear roll down his cheek.

But she decided to ignore that observation, for she believed that Draco had no feelings for her whatsoever.


Arden's thicc now and Draco likes that ey. But for real, it pains me to write his feelings and thoughts about her, because I can't even stress enough how much he misses her, and you guys can definitely see that.

Updates have been pretty consistent lately, but homework is piling up and they might start to slow down again. I look forward to Arden getting back to Hogwarts!! ;)

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