Chapter 1

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No. No. No. Thomas said as he was getting ready for his first day at his new school.

"Leaving in 15 minutes!" His mom said as she was getting ready for work.

"Do I have to go? Can you please home school me," Thomas pleaded as he ate his breakfast.

"No. I have to go to work and I am pretty sure you would like the school's teaching much better than mine." She smiled. Thomas loved his mom's smile and a lot of people said he had her smile he loved that.

Sooner or later it was time to go. Thomas was dreading every step to the door as he was walking towards his mom's car.

"I hate you." He said.

"Well that's not a good attitude to have on a first day." While she was reversing her car. After everything that has happened throughout the years with his mom jobs and all the drama going on in his family. Yet, he still does not know how she puts on a good face.

After a couple of minutes they were at Thomas's new school.

"Ew." He said with a disgusted look. Beacons Hills High School. Sounds horrible he thought. Thomas was going into his new school in the middle of the school year. Everybody will know he is the new kid. Thank god they will not know he is gay. Many people got bullied for being gay at his other school, he kept it for a secret so nobody would find out, only his mom knew. Thomas never really had a big crush on anybody though, only on fictional book characters. Then another thought popped in his head, what if he found a really hot boy and then had a deep crush on him and then everybody found out. That can't happen, and it won't happen. At least not any time soon.

"Bye mom. Wish me good luck." He said closing the door.

"Pick you up after school," she said and then she drove away. Leaving Thomas, just like his father. Thomas's father passed away from a heart attack a few years ago. He never got to say goodbye. That's why he will never let his mom down. Never.

Okay, its a new school, nobody knows me. That's a good thing. Right? He pondered. Oh shit. He looked at his watch, 5 minutes to get to class and his locker is like the located the total opposite of the school. He could run but he didn't want to get in trouble.Crap 4 minutes, then before he realized he was running down the hallway and he found his locker without getting in trouble. Okay 3 minutes that should be enough time, he put his combination in. It didn't work. He did it a second time. It didn't work.

"The heck?" He said a little too loud.

"Dude what the hell? That's my locker! And who are you? God just go away I don't have time for your bull." The guy with brownish hair said. As he shoved Thomas to the side. The guy opened his locker and Thomas saw his schedule hanging. His name was Gally.

Thomas then realized his locker was right next to him. Great. At that point Thomas didn't care he just wanted to get to class. Once Thomas was done putting his stuff in his locker. He had to go to math for 1rst period. Math. Math. Math. Where's Math? He said to himself. Only a minute left. Math was about 2 hallways down, He can make it on time. Thomas ran. Then all of a sudden he bumped into someone and pushed him right onto the floor. All his books went all over the place.

"Dude, I'm so sorry! Im new and I just don't want to be here right now and i'm in a rush and I am so sorry!" Thomas said quickly picking up the guy's books as quickly as possible.

"Shut up. I don't care about your problems. You shouldn't even be running in the hallways anyway. And I broke my arm 2 months ago and it's still healing and now you bloody just push me? God. And nobody cares if your new or not. Nobody gives a crap." The blond British boy said as he got up from the floor and grabbed the books out of Thomas's hands and pushed him away. And then the bell rang.

"Cheers to my first day." Thomas whispered to himself as he walked to math.   


Okay I know my grammar sucks but trust me I am trying. Anyways I know this chapter was a little boring but it will get better soon! Thank you for reading.

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