Chapter 11

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Newt POV 

It has been two days and it's Friday now. I texted Thomas last night about it and we decided that we will be going to the city and staying there for a while. He wants to be back on Monday though he doesn't want us to fall back in school. 

Which I understand. 

Three days in the city is plenty. 

I roll over my bed to see the time on my alarm clock.

8:45 am 

Fuck. Since Thomas still hasn't gotten his license I am supposed to pick him up! 

I don't think I will be able to take a shower, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, choose a decent outfit and pick up Thomas in like fifteen minutes. 

It's okay if I'm like half an hour late. Right?

I throw myself off the bed crashing onto the floor. 


I screaming into the floor. (A/N: yeah I don't even know what the hell he's doing ahaha screaming into the floor)

I manage up to get up and walk over to the bathroom and get ready. 

When I get out of the bathroom I notice that it's 9:00 am. 

How? I was just taking a shower and putting my clothes on! Wait... I fell asleep on the toilet for a good five minutes. I say and then facepalm myself.

I run down the stairs to make some waffles for myself. 

To make waffles you must take your time. I can rush getting ready, but I will take my time making waffles. 

I text Thomas that I'm going to be fifteen minutes late. That's it. I don't tell him that the reason why I'm going to be late is that I'm making my waffles. 

Once I'm done I sit down peacefully on my couch and eat my waffles. 

I hear my phone ringing

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I hear my phone ringing.

It's Thomas.

"Hello?" Thomas says.

"Mhm. Hey." I say trying to chew as fast as I can.

"Are you still at home?" He asks.

"Uh..." I stall.

"Newt! It's 9:20 am! Hurry up!" He says.

"Also, I can hear you eating. Eat faster!" He adds and then hangs up.

At that moment I shove the rest of the waffle into my mouth and grab my car keys and get the heck out my house. 

After making multiple turns I get to Thomas's house in about ten minutes. 

Thomas gets in the car once I pull up. 

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Shut it," Thomas says. 

Ugh fine whatever. He can be mad at me, I'm just doing this so I can get out of school. 

Thomas doesn't even matter that much to me. 

Thomas POV

When Newt finally picks me up I try not to be pissed but I can't help it. 

He told me that he's sorry but I told him to shut up. 

I can't even look at him he just ugh. 

Even though I'm mad I sneak quick glances at him while he's driving.

He looks good.

Great. My gayness is here. I'm sure that Newt is straight, but who knows? AH NO. I CAN'T THINK OF THESE THINGS. I wonder what he would think if I told him that I was gay. 

But damn he looks hot. He's wearing some black jeans that grab his thighs perfectly and a white t-shirt with the green jacket thing which matches perfectly. 

Want to know what the fuck I am wearing? Some Adidas sweatpants and a Nike t-shirt with a pair of shoes. I am the definition of a loser. 

"Imma hook up my phone to the aux cord. Is that okay?" I ask him.

"Sure." He replies.

Newt looks a little pissed too but I'm not going to bother him about it. It's best to let people be sometimes. 

If I keep bothering him about his life I know he will lash out at me. I wouldn't blame him if he did though. Being nosy isn't very attractive. 

I decide to play Boy in Luv by BTS. 

BTS is my life.

I would love to hook up with every member. 


No joke. 

I start to sing all the lyrics and do the dance moves in my seat. Screw what Newt thinks.

After dancing and singing for a couple of seconds I look at him. 

He's trying to keep a straight face. TRYING.

That's when I sing even louder.

I don't think he notices me looking at him because he finally breaks into a smile. 

I turn the music down a little bit and lay back in my seat.

"You're smiling," I say to him.

"No, I'm not." He denies.

"You love my voice," I tease him.

"Hell to the no." 



"Shut up Thomas." He glares at me in a playful way. 

"Stop denying it. You love me singing to kpop." I laugh. 

"That's bullshit." He says.

"LIES!" I say loudly. 

I then turn up the music and continue with my singing. 

I look back at Newt and see him smiling again. 

A/N: you guys might be confused why Newt says that Thomas doesn't matter to him but it will come back in the next chapters if that makes sense haha. Well, this is a fun chapter and I can't wait for my next chapters. Trust me guys it's getting there.  Also, the music video that is up at the top is the song that Thomas put on lol. CHECK IT OUT. 

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