Chapter 26

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Thomas POV 

When I walk into school Minho covers my eyes with a blindfold. 

"Ummm..." I say.

"Just go with it," Minho tells me. 

"Imma look like a dumbass!" I try to take the blindfold off of me but Minho doesn't let me. 

"It's not for long. Deal with it." He laughs. 

Oh, I miss that laugh. It's been too long since I've been to school. 

Then Minho holds my shoulders and leads the way to wherever the fuck we're going. 

"Almost there!" He says. 

And then I hear kpop.


What is this?

Right then Minho takes the blindfold off of my eyes and we're in the middle of the hallway. 

I rub my eyes and down the hallway I see Newt.


I look around me expecting everyone to be having their little conversations but in fact, everyone is looking at Newt and I ...

"He's dancing for you." Minho winks at me and then goes to the side of the hallway with everyone else. 

Then the lyric "I need you girl" by bts comes on and Newt points to me. 

He is not only 4 feet away from me. 

He's dancing right in front of me to one of my favorite songs omg.

It's just Newt and I in the middle of the hallway. 

All the attention is on us. 

I was not expecting this on my first day back. 

I feel my cheeks go warm. 

Why is Newt even doing this? I never thought of him as a dancer. 

I probably look so awkward standing here. 

With that thought, I know my face is turning red. 

Newt continues to dance and smile. 

All of a sudden he puts his hand on my chest and pushes me up to the lockers. 

"OOOOOH." Everyone in the hallway goes. 

My heart quickens.

Newt is inches away from him.

Is he trying to let everyone know that they're together?

They're together right? 

All Thomas wants to do is kiss him. 

He wants to kiss Newt so bad.



My mind screams. 

This is school.

What if Newt doesn't want everyone to know?

I close my eyes. 

I'm so nervous. 

"Open your eyes," Newt says softly. 

I reluctantly open them. 

In Newts hands are roses. 

WhAt ThE FuCk. 

"I umm Thomas umm I -" Newt stutters.

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