Chapter 16

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Newt POV

"Shut up" I hear a girl giggling loudly at the front of the building.  

I'm in the hallway, when I hear this while I was talking to Jazz. I look past him to see who is laughing. 

A girl that I don't recognize with ... Thomas. 

I continue to look.

Who is she?

Thomas then hugs her ... and that's not just it. 

The stupid girl kisses him. For a good 7 secs, I'm sure. 

I can't believe my eyes. Thomas and I have something together, he even told me his feelings! 

He kissed me. 

Why is he with her. 

Jazz notices my facial expression. 

"Newt... stop staring," he says to me. 

I continue to look at them as the girl leaves the school. 

"NEWT!"Jazz says and shakes me. 

Jazz was so loud that everyone that was in the whole hallway looked over at us. 

Once that happens I turn around as fast as possible to leave. 


What does Jazz think? 

I can't deal with this anymore.

Thomas POV 

I make sure to walk in from the gate that is near the hallway Newt is usually in the morning. 

This has to go well. 

"You will be fine," Jessica says to me as we make our way to the doors.

"Thank you for helping." I smile at her.

Now, I have no idea who the fuck Jessica is. I went to Target two days ago and found her looking at Jewelry and asked her simply if she wanted to be my fake girlfriend for a day. 

Guess what.

She said yes!

On the other hand, though, I had to do something for her. 

Pay for her lunch ahaha. 

While we were at Panera we didn't talk that much but she only made me pay $10 for her meal. 

When we finally walk into the school by the main office I see Newt down the hallway talking to his friend. 

It doesn't seem that he can see me though since his friend is blocking him. 

"Be loud," I whisper to Jessica. 

She is. 

After our whole flirty skit is done she ends it off with a kiss. 

Everything went exactly as planned. 

Right after that, I hear his name.

His friend yells it and I can't help myself but look over. 

I have to see his reaction. 

But I'm too late. 

Newt was already gone. 

Leaving his friend behind as well. 

A/N: okay so Imma finish the story before my school starts again so lets hope that this story is done by the first week of January ahhh.  Sorry for grammar mistakes. I give up. 

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