Chapter 20

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Thomas POV

"Aye, what the fuck is up? Mah bitch!" Minho says coming in the door with a bunch of balloons.

I sit up straighter on my bed to see him better and rub my eyes.

"Dumbass get these balloons out of my face! Why did you get 20 of them?" Anna comes behind Minho.

"I bought you coffee. Quit complaining!" Minho teases her, making her even more irritated.

After that Minho waddles over with the balloons by me.

Thank god my mom is not here right now otherwise she would be confused what would be going on.

"Hey, guys!" I say.

"HI THOMAS. CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Minho says loudly.

I roll my eyes.

"I didn't go deaf headass." I glare at him.

"Oh ... right." He then takes a seat in a chair.

Anna then decides to come to me.

We never really talked.

To be honest I think she only came because Minho was coming but for some reason, she was actually asking how I was doing and things.

I told her about my heart problem and just the stress really.

Didn't want to go in that deep.

"Heart problem? That serious?" Minho asks.

"Yeah. It sucks... but I trust the doctors. My dad actually died of a heart problem. Genes, I guess." I shrug.

I was trying to keep things in a light mood but you can't really do that when you're talking about something that's wrong with your heart.

"I can't believe you have to go through this. But yeah, hospitals and everything is getting more advanced now." Anna says.

Minho is quiet for a while and then says,

"I am going to beat up Newt."

I look at him.

All I want right now is to get better and Newt to be gone from my life.

I tried so hard to get him back but every time I tried he told me to fuck off.

I bet he doesn't even know I'm in the hospital.

I still ask though, "Did you guys tell him I'm here?"

"We were gonna ask you if we should tell him," Anna replies.

I raise my eyebrow at Minho.

Did he tell his girlfriend about this whole thing?

Minho just shrugs.

"Some students were talking about you fainting. They don't say your name though because it's a bunch of Freshman and Sophomores talking." Minho informs me.

Anna then adds, "Newt is eventually going to figure out where you are."

I hug the pillow I have and bury my head in it.

"He doesn't care about me," I tell them.

I lift my head up from the pillow.

"Shit. You really do like him." Minho says opening a box of cookies he also brought in.

Anna grabs the box from him.

"This is supposed to be for his mom!" She grabs the cookie that Minho has already eaten and eats half of it.

They're so cute.

"I don't like - " He cuts me off.

"Oh shut the fuck up! You clearly like him plus I have never heard you talk about any girl. In fact, you get annoyed with them. I know you."

I rub my head.

Can't avoid the truth am I right?

"Listen, I can talk to Newt. If you want me to say anything I can." Anna suggests.

"He's a fucking dick. Thomas, you deserve someone better."

"Hey. You don't know what Newt is going through. He barely opens up anymore. He doesn't even talk to me that much about his problems. He's probably still hurting." She tells Minho.

"No. Anna. He needs to learn respect and how to treat people." He then gets up and says he's going to take a walk.

Once he leaves Anna says, "Minho cares a lot about you. He was very upset at what Newt said."

"Yeah... and about Newt. I just want him out of my life. I tried to work things out. I really did but I think he's done. Even if he figure outs I'm in the hospital he probably won't do anything. I'll move on." I sigh.

"Okay, but Newt has been through a lot. He might not have told you everything. Well, I don't know what connection you guys had but I did see him happy with you. He liked you and he's probably not thinking correctly but doesn't blame this all on him. Alright?"

"Anna, I don't know," I say honestly.

Tears come from my eyes.

I guess it's over.

Anna gives me a hug.

"Imma go find Minho. I think I made him a little angry..."

I nod my head telling her it's fine.

Newt POV

*time skip one week*

I see Minho in the hallway and grab him by his shirt taking him by shock all of a sudden.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD. HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT HIM?" I yell at him in front of everyone. I don't care what anyone thinks.

He obviously plays dumb.

We haven't been talking that much.

"Who are you talking about?" He says normally.

"THOMAS. HOW COME YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO ME." I was going to punch him but I did it to the locker behind him instead.

"Don't you remember?" He questions me.

I look blankly at him. Loosening my grip on him.

"You said you didn't care."

Minho says and leaves.

I look at the other students in the hallway.

They're looking at me.


They start to move away.

"Fuckers," I say under my breath and shove past everyone. 

A/N: OOOOOOOOOOOH. Hope you guys understand  everything that went on but mhm NeWt. Again, sorry for grammar mistakes! 

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