Chapter 7

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Thomas POV 

I'm finally here at at Minho's.

I try to search for Minho to tell him that I'm here and plus I don't want to stand alone either.

There are a lot of people, you can say about a good 30-40 people. The party started about forty minutes ago and more people will be coming.  

The house is like a mansion. Freaking enormous. It's so appealing. 

My house only had like four rooms and yeah the basic stuff.

Over here though, Minho is getting five bathrooms and a whole movie theater inside his house! 

Ugh, it's too loud here. Are people drunk? I never really go to that many parties but I know what to expect. 

I start to look for Minho. 

Finally, after walking for a few minutes which feels like years I find Minho in the kitchen. 

Handing out drinks and blasting his shitty music.

Typical Minho. 

"Minho! Hey!" I wave my hand up and down so he can see me. 

"Hmm? Who said my name?" Minho looks around.

"Right here!" I try to squeeze past everyone.

"Hey, Thomas! EVERYONE MAKE WAY FOR THOMAS." Minho yells once he finds me.

Agh. I hate the attention why does he have to be so outgoing. I can talk in school but this party is giving me weird vibes. However, people do scoot over so I can get to the table Minho and his friends are at. 

When I finally get to him, I place my hands on the table. Not a big deal right? Placing my hands on a table. AHAHAh nope. 

"Holy shit." I say as I look at the table.

"Good lord are you high already?" One of Minhos friends say looking at me laughing.

"This table is amazing." I move my hand around the table.

I have a thing for seeing fancy things. 

Probably because I don't own anything really like that.

Probably because I don't own anything really like that

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A/N : That's the kitchen btw lol

"Alrightie. Screw this. Want a drink?" Minho says patting my back and looking at the beers.

I don't know what to say. Yes? My mom would be so disappointed in me if I said yes. 

"Uh, no thanks. I'm good." I say smiling. Even though all I want to do right now is cry.

Why do I want to cry? Everything is fine. 

I hate my emotions.

"Okay, bro. But you need to let go once in a while. Don't be tense all the time." He replies genuinely.

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