Chapter 18

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Newt POV 

"What the fuck?" Jazz says to me when I leave Thomas. 

I don't respond. 

The thing is... I was disappointed that Thomas told me that he has feelings for me and so did I. Then all of a sudden I see him kissing someone else. 

He was one of the first people I opened up to after Dannys suicide. 

Yeah, I had Anna but she is always busy and I don't want to trouble her with my situations (A/N: Anna is Minhos girlfriend just in case you forgot).

She is already helping Minho and honestly, she needs to be there for him because he needs her. 

I thought I could trust Thomas. I was even going to tell him how I even almost committed suicide after Danny did (A/N: if you remember in the beginning of the story Newts arm was hurt and that was because of the suicide and Anna knows that his suicide was the cause of his injury).

I'm glad I didn't.

Obviously, he doesn't care. 

When he called me yesterday it upset me even more. 

I'm over his bullshit. 

Thomas is definitely a two-faced person and I should have realized this before. 

"You fucking dumbass did you hear me?" Jazz says behind me in anger. 

I turn around to talk to him just so he can shut up.

I'm done with everyone. 

"What?" I look at him. 

"Do you have something with that junior? You haven't been yourself lately and all you have been saying is that you're fine and that you just need a break. It's definitely more than that." Jazz complains. 

"There's nothing going on between me and him. He's just annoying." After I say that I turn around to walk to class.

It's my first day back and I already have to deal with this.

"Well, when he kissed that girl ..." Jazz says behind me.

That makes me stop. 

I want that scene out of my head. 

I got over this. 

I am not going to cry again. 

"Do you ..." He starts to say.

I cut him off. 

No one can know my feelings for Thomas.

I mean - 

The feelings that I had.

How would people think of me if they figured out?

People would say, "Newt likes guys? weirdo." 

I am the bad boy, the hottie, the best. Not the guy that has feelings. 

I then say to Jazz politely, "Can you please leave me alone?" 

I face him so he knows I'm serious.

What shocks me though is that he hugs me. 

"I know you won't tell me but there's something there in your weird ass heart." Right after he leaves before I can say anything. 

I hold back the tears. 

Thomas why do you have to do this to me.  

Thomas POV

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