Chapter 2

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//Sorry about the cliffhanger.....//

   I woke up to three worried boys looking at me. I sat up. What happened?  OUCH! It felt as if someone on the inside of my head just sucker punched me.


   I could suddenly feel four glows in my head but they felt like sewing needles. I forgot to mention, I am kind of the alpha of the pack and can sense where the pack is. I can sometimes connect our minds to communicate to each other. But, its never felt like this before.

   "Ow." I said as I brought my hand to my head.

   "Tory why are you flaring?!" Shelton asked in a high pitch voice. I am?  I didn't know I was flaring.

   "I am?" I said in a confused voice.

   "What do you mean? How do you not know you flared?" Hi and Shelton ask.

   "I don't know. Stop yelling though, please." I took a breath. "You guys know how sometimes I can 'feel' you guys in my head." Three nods. "It feels as if your 'glows' in my head are sewing needles." Ben looked upset, "Well just snuff your flare." I nod.




   Ben, Shelton, and Hi look at me in astonishment. "I... I can't turn it off.." I say and lay down on the couch but keep my eyes open. I say in a quiet voice, "What's happening?" Shelton placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'll find out but, you can't go into public flaring. What are we going to do?"

   I couldn't think of one thing. I didn't understand what was happening. "OW!" It felt as if someone just punched in the nose a thousand times. Ben was over to me faster than I thought was humanly possible, "What!?" I close my eyes and gasp, "My... nose..." I heard Ben's footsteps walk over to the computer where Shelton sat. With my flare I could hear what Ben said to Shelton, "I don't mean to be rude but can you hurry up?"

   "Ben... don't be... rude." Ben chuckles. I fall asleep after that.

                                                                                         .   .   .

   I woke up to Shelton yelling, "Aha!" I bolted upward, "What?!" Ow, my nose still hurt. "I found out what is happening to you." I nod, "Care to elaborate?" Shelton turns to face me, "Well remember how we each have a certain sense that we are better at then others?" I nod along with the other two. "That certain sense seems to be getting stronger. For example, Tory's best sense is smell and she said her nose hurt." 

   This makes sense. I wonder when the other Virals 'update' will happen. SADNESS. What the heck? JOY. This is weird. "Uh, guys.." Everyone turns their heads towards me. "You know how sometimes I can smell feelings?" Hiram says, "Yeah.." "Well, anytime I breathe through my nose a word that describes a feeling is kind of inserted into my head instantly..." Shelton nods, "That's your 'update' to your smell sense." Ben stands up next to me, "This is weir-" Ben faints and falls onto my lap. Maybe this is his 'update'...

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