Chapter 20

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   I can feel the energy from my flare and the adrenaline run through my body as I search these underground tunnels. The walls are cold and wet and I can feel the running of the people behind me. "Tori! Slow down!" I hear someone yell. I can't think. I can't do anything but run at the moment, so I keep running. I stop when I come to a room and it is dark in here. Good thing I can see in the dark but I bet Sam and Dean can't see in here.

   I see chains hanging from the ceiling of the cave. They seem to have rust or blood on them... My adrenaline is still pumping through me and I run through a doorway that leads to another big room. I feel my eyes widen as I see what's in here. I see people hanging from the chains by their wrists. I walk through the lines and rows of people when I come across Ben. "Guys! I found Ben! I found hi-" I stop talking as soon as I see it. Even with my flare I can barely see it. But, I am not really trying to get a good look at it... I am running from it.

   What can kill it? I can't remember, I can't remember, I can't remember. Ugh... fire! I run towards the almost silent sound of footsteps until I run into Dean. "Dean, I- Um... I ran into the wendigo... I- I didn't.. don't know what to do." He looks towards me kindly and tells me I need to go to my friends and let him handle it. "That's definitely not going to happen. We don't have time to argue. I am coming with you. What do you want me to do?" He sighs and grunts, "Fine, you need to hold this," He hands me a flare gun. "and if you can see the wendigo, shoot it." I nod and we both start walking the way I just ran from. Yay.

   We walk silently down the corridor until we get to the room were I saw the wendigo. Dean turned to look at me, he gave me a weird look so I opened my mind to him. I am gonna go and look around. You make sure to watch your back. Your friends, Cas and Sam are waiting outside for us so we better hurry. I nod to him and send to him. Wouldn't you want me to come with you? I can help you look and see for him. He looks at me with wide eyes and says back, yeah... okay. I chuckle silently and I follow him silently.

   We tiptoe over to were Ben is hanging and Dean unhooks Ben's wrists. Thank you Dean. He looks and nods to me. Dean throws Ben over his shoulders and he sends to me, I can't fight it now so I'm gonna need you to shoot it when you se-. We were both cut off by the wendigo running blindingly fast through the room. I look to the direction it just ran to and I started shooting the flames in that direction. This seems easy but terrifying. The wendigo runs towards Dean and Ben and I freak out. I run towards the wendigo and I run with so much speed that it knocks the wendigo over and I sit on it to keep it from going anywhere. Its movements were so quick I had to hurry. I grab the flare gun and shoot it right at the wendigo's face and I jump up from it when it catches a flame.

   I run over to the other people hanging and check for our parents. I look through the many people and I find Mr.Blue first. I yell for Sam and Cas to come down here and Cas teleports them both. I look around for Kit and it takes awhile for me to find him but I did. Both of our parents have slow pulses so we need to get them out soon. I don't wanna be here anymore anyways. I wanna leave. I look over at the men and I motion to the corridor that leads out. They nod and we all run out of that terrible, terrible cave. I run as fast as I can until I see the sunshine again. As soon as I do, I run into Shelton and Hi's arms. I hug them and they hug me back until I hear Dean running out of the tunnel and he set Ben on the ground. Sam and Cas come out from the cave with our parents and they also set them in the ground

   I look over to Ben and then to Dean, "What do we do now?" He looks to me with sad eyes, "I think we just wait until they wake up." I nod and I look over at Shelton and Hi, "We should take the to the hospital." Everybody nods and the men pick up our parents and Ben. We start walking to the car. I just hope they wake up.

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