Chapter 21

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//I'm so sorry for not updating in forever. I just haven't been feeling in the writing spirit and I'm trying to get back into the groove of things.//

Ben's POV

   I feel that I'm moving but I'm not walking. I can't open my eyes and I can barely hear. Everything sounds so muffled. After a few minutes of me feeling my body rock from side to side I can feel my hearing slowly coming back. "I just hope... wakes up...", her voice keeps coming in and out. I don't even remember what happened. Images of the forest and a dark, gloomy place flash through my head. None of these images make sense though, they are all still just a blur.

I still don't feel good. The swaying feeling doesn't help at all. I just keep moving and moving and moving...

I try to speak but my mouth doesn't move. My hearing is completely gone at the moment. I'm just glad my mind is letting me think. But how long is this going to go on for? The swaying, the hearing, the images...

It feels like it's been hours, days, months, when the swaying finally comes to a stop. I can feel the ground underneath me finally and maybe... I might just be able to wake up.

Open my eyes...

Open my eyes...

Open my eyes...

Tori's POV

As I'm walking, I think of all the possible things that can happen on the way to the hospital. They could die. They could survive. They could never wake up. But, I think that Ben and Mr. Blue and Kit are all strong enough to wake up... All I can do now is hope for the best.

After about two hours of walking I look over to Ben, my first love. I hope he wakes up! He doesn't deserve this and niether does the other two! I just wish they will be okay. I look over at Ben for the first time since we've started walking and I see his eyes flutter open!


   "Ben! He's awake!" I look over at Dean who is carrying him, "Put him down." Dean complied without any complaints but with a offended face. I run towards Ben as quickly as I can and I read his thoughts: What's happening... everything is off... Tori?... I don't feel so good...

"Ben!" I yell even though he is right in front of me. "Tori?", he says with a slur. I nod with tears in my eyes, "Yeah, yeah. It's me." He smiles a little bit until his eyes shut and his face goes slack. "BEN!"

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