Chapter 18

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   Dean and Sam slowly nod at my friends and I's decision to help them on this hunt thing. I am guessing its going to be scary but easy with our powers. "So, what now?" I ask the two strange men. They think for a second and Sam answers, "Dean and I are going back to our hotel room to research more. Once we have found enough information we will have Cas come pick you guys up." I nod and watch as they leave in their beautiful car.

   I don't know if with our newfound powers we'll be able flare more than once a day. We should try. I try to reach for that wolf part of me and...


  I always feel better while I am flaring; everything is clearer. I  block out thoughts and feelings. I look at the boys with my golden eyes, "I am going upstairs to talk to Cas." Ben's eyes widen and he speaks, "I'll come with you." I think for a second then nod. "Lets go." I grab his hand and I walk into a guest room. I silently pray, Cas I am flaring. You wanted to see if I could read your mind...

   I hear feathers behind me and I turn around. "Hello Tory." I smile, "Castiel, I am going to push down my mental walls. I may or may not be able to read your mind and know your feeling." Castiel nods and looks into my eyes. I close my eyes and I push my barriers down. LOVE. She is so cute and strong. Really Ben? I open my eyes and I look into Cas'.

   Whats Dean doing?  No angel radio. Is she doing it?  CONFUSION. Ow. He has so many different paths of thinking in his mind. I am still staring into his eyes when I speak, "Cas think of one thing at a time." He nods. Dean. LOVE. Aw, maybe this angel has a crush on that human. That's cute. I look away from Cas and block up my mental walls. "I can definitely read your mind." 

   "Thank you Tory. May I stay here since Dean and Sam want me to fly you to the location in a while anyways?" I look over to Ben, "Sure." Castiel walks out of the room and I go sit by Ben. We just sit in silence until Ben speaks up. "What have we gotten ourselves into?" I shake my head because I don't know for sure. He looks at me and I look back at him. We may not have any interruptions this time. We both lean in and finally our lips meet.

   I never thought this is what it would be like to kiss Ben. Then again I never thought I would. His soft, pink lips move in sync with mine. After what felt like a few minutes I pulled away. All my mental walls were pushed down for the time being. LOVE. That should be everyone's first kiss. I giggle, "Agreed." I push my walls back up.

   We walk downstairs with a hazed smile on our faces. Everyone looks at us weird but shrugs us off and goes back to thinking about our next mission. Everyones quiet for awhile and we watch a movie to try and relax before tonight. I look over at Castiel and his eyes are wide.

   "We have to go now." He walks over to me and presses a finger one on my forehead. And a moment later, we are not where I was a second ago.

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