Chapter 19

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   We were in the middle of the woods.

   Wow, I wasn't expecting that. Ben and the boys were looking at me like they just witnessed a murder. All we did was teleport. Wait... we just teleported.. My life is so confusing. Ugh. I look around and I see Dean and Sam tracing weird marks in the dirt. "What are those?" I ask them. they look up at me, "They'll keep up safe." I just nod.

   Castiel walks over to the middle-ages men and whispers something to them. Dean's eyes widen in what seems like astonishment. "You can.... you can read Cas' mind too?" I nod and he looked a bit frightened. I wonder why? I focus on Dean's mind. Science is strange. I wonder if Hi can see the wendigos with his weird power... I stop focusing on Dean. "So, what are we going to do now?" I say to no one in particular. Cas speaks up, "We are going to follow the certain trails the wendigo leaves behind." I nod.

   "Should we flare our powers?" I ask Sam. He shrugs, "Sure, they may become useful." I look at the boys, "Can I try something?" They all shrug. Okay, then. I focus on the glowing dots in my head and force them to light up. I hear gasps and I open my eyes. My friends all had gold, glowing eyes. I whisper, "Cool..." The boys just shake their heads.

   We walk through the woods looking at scratched up, bloody trees as we walk past them. Hi and Shelton seemed quite scared and I think Ben was just good at hiding his fear. For me, I was almost visibly shaking. I am not used to knowing what I am getting myself into. Dean, Sam and Cas seem excited, they keep blabbering at how they haven't killed a wendigo in a while. I wanted to know about all monsters; I want to know which ones are real and which ones are fake.

   We walk for a few hours until Dean tells us to stop while they go scope out where they think the wendigo lives. My friends and I wait until we hear a scream close to us. I turn to look at my friends and Ben was gone! "Ben!" I look around for him and he was no where to be seen, "Ben!" I run over to where the older men went in and where the scream came from. I jump into the hole and I hear Hi and Shelton follow my lead. This is going to get hectic.

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