5. Game on

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"You're too stupid to be this blessed."


Throwing her jacket over her shoulders, Reign speed walks towards the door, only stopping to kiss Devon's hair. Yet the little boy fails to notice her as his eyes stay fixed on the tv. 

"I'll see you Later Lis!" Reign shouts as she closes the door. She was leaving her little brother with their next door neighbour, Melissa who was a few years older and a great soul. Since they had met a few weeks back, the girls had bonded like two long lost sisters and Melissa and Devon got along like a house on fire.

The girl dashes out of the Apartment complex and sends a short smile to the doorman as she hops into her old and beaten truck hoping that it would actually start up. After what seemed like a lifetime, the truck had finally arrived and though Reign was overjoyed, it seemed Old Carlton, as she affectionately called her truck, hadn't survived the boat ride to LA. It was making all kinds of noises and she was starting to get worried about her old man.

Technically It was her family's truck. It had been passed down through every generation of first born men in the Foxx family and only fell down to her because Devon was too young to inherit it. She could still remember the look of disappointment on the face of their deadbeat father when he had to break the tradition and hand it over to her. A girl. It had been the only meaningful thing he had ever given her. Although he was ashamed to have to pass it down to a girl, Reign couldn't help but feel proud. After all she was the first female owner of this half a century old car.  

The girl turns the ignition with one eye closed hoping and praying that Carlton would start up.

She had named it Carlton after her old neighbour back in Toronto who hated her guts because of the racket she would always make just trying to start the damn thing. Unfortunately old Carlton (man) died last year after fighting Leukemia for a while. To her surprise, the old man's death affected her pretty bad. Maybe it was the kid with daddy issues in her that enjoyed being shouted at every morning. "Come on Carl, I don't wanna get a lecture from Mr Daniels about the importance of being punctual and how it will affect me in the future." The girl whispers desperately as she turns the engine one more time.

Reign's face brightens up instantly as the engine stops sputtering and roars to life. The girl pumps her hand in the air excitedly after letting out a squeal and drives off. The drive to school normally wouldn't be very long when she took a cab. It was usually less than a half hour drive but with Reign's driving skills, she ended up getting there in almost ten minutes. The girl had always had a problem with speeding. She just liked to arrive as soon as she took off.

Hopping out of her car, the girl braces herself for a long day. It was the day of the championship which mean't the whole school would come together for the big game. There was no doubt that  nothing could bring a school community together like the big basketball match. Today was the final game, the game that would claim the title and so everyone was in that rivalry type of mood. Weston vs Stanbridge. Red and Black vs Yellow and Blue.

The girl earns more stares than usual as she walks in because it was clear that she had finally made an effort for once. She looked radiant in her black and red outfit. She had even gone as far as dyeing the ends of her jet black hair, a radiant ruby. She wore a black leather top with red shorts and black boots. Nobody could tell her she wasn't in the championship spirit. The girl raises her eyebrows in admiration as she walks into the school and is ambushed with intense colour. The school shone brightly in their red and black colours representing their team in the hope of a new championship win.

Reign had been forced to come into school early by the dean to set up the gym for the match later on in the evening. The whole school was empty apart from those who had chosen to help. This meant putting up banners, blowing up balloons and popping party poppers all over the place. Reign really wasn't looking to the hard labour of it all but she also didn't have anything else to do all day since all lessons were off.

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