21. Rewrite The Stars

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Rushes of almost sapphire specs of sand danced joyously in the air causing the area to resemble the Sahara desert. The small golden molecules blinded the four of them as they left the building victoriously.

Reign couldn't help the large sighs of relief that escaped her lips ever so often. She was finally able to get back to some normality away from this world of distress and constantly having to look over her shoulder. She could get back to Devon. She squeezes Hilton's hand happily causing the previously absent minded boy to turn to her and kiss her head. He was grateful to god he had her - if everyone deserted him and betrayed him like Khalil had done, he was almost certain she'd never do the same and that was all he needed to know..

As the area cleared up slightly, the outline of figures started to appear, their eyes
immediately landed on the gang; they were sat in two range rovers with Za perched on the top of one; his arms were stretched out in a welcoming manner with a huge smile across his face. "There they are!"

"What are you doing? I could have sworn we told you to come down here ASAP." Reign says with suspicion and confusion all in her tone. Since the incident, she really didn't know who they could trust. They were all too relaxed for people who had been called in all urgency a couple hours ago. It was like they knew something, Reign didn't.

"We would have if Gunner wasn't so damn slow with finding the location." Xavier says while glaring at the boy near him. "When we got here, we couldn't find our way in or get a hold of y'all or Khalil so we sat prepared if the fight were to come to us, we'd have it handled. Let's just say we had your exit covered unless you ended up dying like dumbasses since y'all snuck out and shit." Lucas' voice bellows from the drivers seat of the ride causing everyone to roll their eyes at him. He never had anything smart to say.

Za looks at them and then at their parents, the confusion clear on his features. "But it seems y'all had it all under control."

As soon as Khalil's name is mentioned, Hilton's memory retraces what he had heard Zeus saying:
"What about that gunner kid, has he managed to hack their system?" His eyes flick up to Gunner with anger filled in them. There was nothing worse than a traitor. As soon as their eyes meet, Gunner starts to back away as if he knew exactly what was coming.

"Khalil's dead." Reign says bluntly causing the whole atmosphere to stiffen.

Instantly, Za hops off the car and walks closer to her, his pupils filled with disbelief and complete sadness. "W-what?" His eyes flick over to Hilton who was still ready to pounce at Gunner. "Tell me, she's tripping." He says in a hardly audible tone. Hilton ignores his friend and continues to stare down Gunner.

As he's about to take a step towards Gunner, Za grabs his arm and pulls him back with such force that Hilton is made to stand face to face with him. "HILTON!? TELL ME SHES TRIPPING BRO." Tears fill the eyes of the boy that was usually joyful and full of cheer causing Reign to place a hand on his arm and squeeze tight in comfort. After all, him and Khalil had been family.

"Zeus killed him because he didn't fulfil his side of their deal. Khalil had been planning to lure us all into Zeus's trap this whole time." Hilton says with spite all every word while staring his friend in the eyes. "He deserved what the fuck he got." As the last word leaves his lips, he pulls his arm away viciously and marches towards Gunner.

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