19. Reunions

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          The sky was an eery grey yet it was obvious there was no sign of oncoming showers and that bothered Reign. Not only was it midday and the sky had no business being this dark but it reminded her of old family superstitions that older cousins and uncles had fed her as a child. She wasn't one to trust in things like that but they still made her uncomfortable and whenever she was reminded of them.

A grey sky appearing on a usually sunny day was always seen as a sign of oncoming evil happenings or loss. It was God's way of showing his disappointment and anger at the world; a world that was slowly self destructing.

She's distracted by the vibration of her phone in her hand. Looking down at it, she realises that the call was from an unknown number. Naturally, her eyebrows edge close together in confusion. In general, the girl hated receiving calls from unknown numbers. She always said if someone decided to call her with a private number then she'd respect their privacy and not answer. Being in this whole situation with crazyass Zeus and his traitors living in her house, only upped her paranoia.

She stares down at the phone for a while before deciding to pick up seconds before the line cut. She puts the phone to her ear but doesn't say anything, waiting for the person to speak up first.

"Ray?" She hears a small familiar voice call causing a huge smile to envelope her face instantly. This call couldn't have come at a better time.

"Devon baby is that you?" She squeals happily.

"Ouch! Stop scrimming ray." He responds and she laughs imaging his exact reaction.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm just so happy to talk to you. How is everything? Is dad treating you well?" She says with sudden urgence. No matter how much she wanted to talk to him, she had to make sure he was okay first. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if he wasn't.

"Dad is so coolllll!!! He buys me all theses toys and he took me to see SpiderMan! His Nutella sandwiches aren't as good as yours though....but dad is so cool!!" She listens intently trying to catch up with all that he was saying. The little boy was so excited that all his words came out as rambles. She smiles weakly, she hadn't realised how much she'd missed hearing his little voice.

"I miss you so much Devon." She whispers into the phone.

"I miss you too! Come live with us Ray, we can go to the park everyday!" This time, it was his turn to squeal in excitement.

"I'll be with you soon baby, I promise. If Daddy makes you do something you don't want to do, you call me okay? You remember my skype right?" She says slowly, making sure that the little boy understands every word.

"I remember-" his answer is cut off as the phone is grabbed away from him causing Reign's breath to hitch in panic.

"Devon? Hello? Devon?"

"The boy said he's fine Reign." Her fathers voice booms into her ears, all of a sudden she was uncomfortable and ready to cut the line. "I'm actually enjoying having a son more than I enjoyed having daughters, don't come back anytime soon." He says with a deep chuckle as if he was just playing but Reign knew him too well - he was serious. Her jaw clenches for a second, letting him continue speaking.

"It was actually my idea to give you a call, though you're a hard young woman to trace these days, I figured you'd want to speak to your sibling."

She sighs. "I did. Thank you."

"Yeah yeah don't mention it. How's my house looking? You and your batty friends haven't turned the place upside down I hope." For a second, he actually sounded like a proper father who was worried his kids had trashed the house while he was away for the weekend but it was only for a second.

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