2. They lovin' the crew

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"Oh bet? We'll see about that Miss Foxx.."


Reign stretches out every bone in her body as she pulls the duvet away from her face. Back in Toronto, the girl had been so used to getting up at one in the morning for work that when her alarm rang at 6:30, she instantly thought something was wrong. A large smile makes its way onto her face as she realises that she was now just another normal senior girl now and didn't have to run off to work before heading to school like she used to when they were in Toronto.

Dragging herself off the bed, she makes her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Staring at herself in the mirror, she wasn't surprised to find huge dark circles sitting comfortably under her eyes. Sighing, she takes a quick but refreshing shower which instantly wakes her up before putting on lotion and getting dressed. She then waltzes her way into the kitchen to make Devon that Nutella sandwich that she had promised him the previous night.

That morning, he would be starting daycare while she got around to signing what was left of the paperwork with an elementary school that she found online for him. It was one of the best schools in the city so she knew it was gonna take a while to get him in, things like that always did, especially when you're a black person. She could tell they were carrying out extra checks on their background; after all, it wasn't everyday you saw a financially stable, black seventeen year old. Leaving him alone while she was at school was never an option so Daycare was the only solution at that point in time. After quickly preparing his breakfast, she tiptoes to his room without knocking. To her surprise, the little boy was already awake and sat by his window sill. His head was resting on his hand with his elbow to the wall; he stared at the city before them with eyes filled with delight and wonder.

She creeps up behind him slowly like a fly on the wall, trying not to make a sound, then grab him by the waist."BOO!"

The little human holds his heart dramatically, widening his pretty brown eyes at his big sister in confusion. She bursts out laughing at the sheer shock on his face and hugs him while he pouts. "I'm so sorry for scaring you honey. Go to the kitchen. I've got a surprise for you."

Immediately his frown turns into a wide smile as he grabs her hand and they run into the kitchen together; as soon as he sees his sandwiches, his eyes light up with excitement and he climbs his way onto a stool, proceeding to stuff his face with chocolate. By the time she gets a look at him again, his face is fully covered with chocolate. The kid had no self control. He looked like the Cookie Monster.

"When you're done, I'm gonna drop you at daycare okay?" She places her hand on her chin as she sits opposite the little boy and watches him devour every last piece of bread with as much as enthusiasm and love as he started. The smile on her face never leaves as she waits patiently for him to be done.

"Thanks Ray!" He squeals after swallowing the last piece and rubbing his stomach in delight.

"You're welcome boo. Come on let's get you showered and ready for your first day." She wipes his face with a kitchen cloth then taps his back and they head into his room to get him ready. As he walks in front of her, Reign lifts up the necklace that was sat around her neck and gives it a small kiss before looking up at the sky hoping that Stacey would be proud of her.


She deeply hoped that this high school would be nothing like her old one back in Toronto. It was always full of fake friendships, varsity jocks and her personal favourite, the wannabe gangstas who roamed the hallways looking for any sort of trouble they could find when they were never really about that life. The whole concept of that high school had always been one long drag to Reign, most people just used it as a social gathering or an opportunity to make anyone who wasn't part of their crews life a living hell or just a place to play around in the janitors closet. It was all a big ball of nonsense.

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