16. Expect the Unexpected

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Fresno Foxx had given them four cars to use on their trip; two waiting to be picked up from the airport and two at the house. Although, Reign knew her father was unwilling to help her any further, she couldn't help but be slightly grateful for all he had done thus far. She kept all the windows down as she drove down the currently isolated streets of Barbados. Her fair flew gracefully with the wind as the hot hair kissed her face, welcoming her back to her home after all the years she'd been away. Her eyes explored her home that hadn't changed a bit, all the shops that had been there all those years ago since she'd visited still stood proudly on the street corners.

The palm trees move from side to side and the water from the beaches leaves a humid smell in the air that she loved. She had always felt the most beautiful in humid weather and nothing said humid like Barbados. Although this was her home, her grandmother had never let her forget that they were orignally African and that this place was simply a home away from their real home. Snapping out of her deep trail of thought, she looks through the view mirror at everyone in the car with her, they were all fast asleep.

A smile creeps onto her face as her eyes land on the boy next to her. Hilton was slumped in the shotgun with his arms wrapped tightly around himself with his fists clenched into firm balls. Although he looked adorable, the creases that painted his forehead showed her that he wasn't totally at peace. She places a hand on his face and strokes his cheeks gently. She does this for the whole ride until they finally arrive at the gate of her house. Sticking face out of the rolled down window, she's met with Raymond. Raymond had been the man who took care of the house since she was a little girl, he had been extremely loyal to the family and even insisted in staying even after they moved away. He was the only person that ever came here anymore with his wife who did all of the cleaning.

It had been so long since anyone tried to come in that he immediately took out his gun when he saw Reign's car approaching. He furrows his eyebrows as the window rolls down with the gun at his side with the safety already pulled. "Hey Mr Ray Ray." Reign says with a huge smile on her face, he's so suprised to see her that he lets the trigger go and a huge bang goes off alerting everyone in the vehicle causing them all to wake up.

Raymond hardly recognised the girl; she had grown so much and had only become more beautiful and there was something in those eyes that no one who ever met her would be able to forget. "Little Miss Ray Ray?" He says with happiness all in his tone, she nods and opens the door to greet him. The slightly old man immediately attacks her with a huge hug, spinning her around in circles until shes dizzy.

When he lets go, he sticks his head over her shoulder and into the car where he meets Hilton's stare causing Raymond to raise an eyebrow. He pulls his neck further into the vehicle only to be met with more unwelcoming looks. "What kind of stank faced kids you bringing into this house Miss Ray? They're all looking at me like they got possessed by a demon." He says with his nose up in the air in digust. Reign couldn't help but laugh before turning back to everyone in the car.

"I'm sorry about them, they're just tired." Seeing that he doesn't believe her from the expression on his face, She quickly changes the subject to avoid his questions. If he knew what was happening, he'd only worry and she didn't want that for him. "How've you been? I've missed you so much." Reign says, he had been her favourite person in the house. Such a selfless man, he spent more time with Reign and her siblings than he spent with his own children due to his dedication to his job. He had a heart of gold which was refreshing to see in her darkest of times.

"My little one, I've missed you too! How's Devon and Stacey?" He asks innocently, Reign's face drops immediately. He didn't know.

"Devon is great! He lives with me in California now but Stacey.. she died a long time ago." She says, the man stands there frozen in shock yet he wasn't surprised. From the day, their mother left, he saw the change in Fresno Foxx. In the weeks prior to their sudden departure from the island, strange men often came in and out of the house to see Fresno. Anyone could tell that those men were no good and that would not have ended well for the kids. He looks at her sympathetically, not having the heart to ask her what had happened, he rubs her shoulder in comfort.

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