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"You got two seconds to tell me what I wanna know.." Breezy says as he stares down at the sorry soul who was laid out on his floor.  He watches the man in disgust as he takes another gulp of liquor and savagely wipes his lips with the back of his hands. The man desperately drags his blood stained body towards one of the couches to recover from the beating he had just gotten. Breezy waited for him to reach the couch after agonisingly pulling himself towards it before grabbing him by the arm and pushing him back to the middle of the room. 

"I don't know anything, I swear-" He doesn't even make it through his sentence, Breezy's stone cold fist connects with his chest, knocking the breath out of him. Irritation was starting to prickle on the boy's neck, as he slowly twists his head from side to side, it's melodious crack echos throughout the room leaving fear in the hearts of all who heard it. He was quickly losing his patience and that was no good for anybody.

Breezy wipes the blood off his hand onto the face of the next of his victims and smiles. His smile was much scarier than anything he could have done to them, there was no remorse in his eyes. He wasn't trying to intimidate them, he was intimidation in human form - A real monster. There was no humanity in his eyes, his smile was genuine. He intended to cause pain because nothing made him feel better. Seeing  agony plastered across their faces simply gave him adrenaline.

"Please don't kill me, I'll give you anything...Please have mercy.." The man begs with tears unintentionally streaming from his eyes in fear. His hands tremble as he looks up at the young man in front of him as if he was the devil himself.

Breezy raises his eyebrows at him in surprise at the pitiful sight in front of him. Since his father's disappearance, Hilton had taken it upon himself to finish with all the men that had done his father wrong.He tried to convince himself that that was why he did what he did but it wasn't. Deep down, he knew that it was because found pleasure in seeing other people's pain. He had expected the man to at least die with dignity, this sorry beggar was not the man he knew at all and it infuriated him - he did not want to end up like him. It was an odd sight for those around to see such an old man begging a seventeen year old boy to let him go, it caused them to respect Breezy even more.

He never killed anyone who couldn't fight back, he only messed them up so bad that they could no longer find the willpower to live. He had the perculiar ability to damaged anyone's mental strength without needing much of an effort. All he needed to do was speak and what killed them was that most of what he would actually say was the horrid truth. Now, some people were strong and survived after he was done and he never contacted or disturbed them again, the only trace of them ever meeting him being the OHB sign that he would engrave on their sides,  but for those who gave up like stupid wossies, he let them have their fate. 

"Gary Gary Gary.." Breezy says as he circles around the man while taking a long drag of his blunt. "It's gotdamn sad to see you like this begging and whatnot. The east side streets would be disappointing in what you've become, their king is gone - reduced to a useless old thing." He then grabs his beard and pulls it off slowly, leaving gashes of blood splattered all over the floor. The man screams in pain before losing consciousness. Breezy closes his eyes in irritation before pulling out a pearl white hankerchief and wiping down his hand nonchalantly before sitting back down. He clicks his fingers and two girls that he'd picked up from a rival gang the previous night approach with mischief in their eyes. His eyes stay fixed straight ahead of him lacking any sort of emotion or sign of human feelings. Hilton was floating between life and death. He was a lost soul.

His gaze flicks up and his features tighten when he hears the familiar click clacking of heels towards him.

"Move." Tia demands lowly as she flicks away the two ladies with the tip of her nails while raising her nose at them in disgust. She stands in front of him with her hand placed firmly on her hip. She had anger written all over her face; her jaw popped out and her eyes pierced straight at his.

Inevitable - CB (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now