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Finders are the people who were sent out to patrol and report any sort of paranormal happenings that would lead in finding the fragments of God's crystal known as 'innocence' to their superior. And that superior is their executive, Komui Lee, a nerd-ehem- I mean scientist. As a scientist he is also a member of the Science Department, though he's the leader he is quite troublesome for some people. No, erase that. He is troublesome to all who are working. He is crazy, idiot, insane, has a sister-complex, lazy, but- despite his incompetence he is reliable, intelligent, protective to his 'family', and understanding. You'll never find someone like him who can destroy a whole town with his Komurin. *ehem* excuse me. That's rude of me, sorry~ but on the bright side, Supervisor Komui is the one who gives commands to his subordinates. The scientist, their job is to sort out all things that may help protect the human race so as to invent things that may destroy the whole world- wait, wait, wait. That's not what I mean. Pardon me. What I mean is, the scientist does great things to support the Black Order. Next are our exorcists who put their lives first in line to protect human from any harm and collect innocence and find new accommodators to fight evils like the Noah Clansmen. Currently, they have two new recruits namely; Miranda and Chaoji.

All of these people are working under the church, Vatican. Everyone has different personality but they seemed to get along with each other even though because of their supervisor, everyday they live to die on the next day. Why, you ask? You already know what I mean. Over all, they are friends and get along with each other. Speaking of which, there was a certain living thing that appeared to be the enemy of the whole world.

"What are you doing here?"

"Playing poker. Why?"

"This is my table. No one is allowed here except you have a death wish."

"Is that so? Well, as far as I know I died twice so it's okay if you'll kill Me." he said without minding to see who he was talking. "THAT is if you can kill me."

"Are you mocking me, bean sprout?" he snarled.

"No, I'm only telling you that there a lot of space over there where you can sit and eat your soba, BaKanda. And my name's Allen."

"What…?!" Kanda's grip on his tray tightened.

"On second thought…Just call me Red." He replied. Since Allen shrunk into his seven-year old self, his personality also shrunk into what he was before. It irritated him to no end whenever his father called him 'Allen' when they first spent their time together. He said that he is not his father's dog, Allen. That's why he doesn't like to be called in that name because he is not a dog. But the name just got stuck since his father is a little bit disturbed.

"Get out of the table, idiot. You are not supposed to sit on top of it."

"But it's easy to play poker in this way. If I sit on the seat, I can't reach the cards on table on the far side since I'm small."

"Just get out of the table!"

"No can do. Sorry mister."


While Kanda was glaring his infamous venomous dagger glare, Allen on the other side was deep in thought. He knew that he wasn't supposed to act like this but he can't help it. After those tests the other day- yes, it's been three days since- Komui told him that it's natural for him to act like what he was before. It was part of the side effect of the medicine but I rather call it potion. Furthermore, because of this sudden turn of events, his life was not in danger anymore if he stayed like this, but of course he can't stay a child forever. However, he can't activate his innocence and couldn't use his left arm properly since it was sleeping and his synchro rate was reversed also. Meaning, his synchro rate was probably more or less 50%.

Allen sighed. "Kanda, if you want you can sit there on the other side of table." He gestured behind.

"Tch. We're not friends, short stack. So I'm not sitting with you sitting on the table."

"Who told you that we're friends?" this time, Allen halted his poker game a.k.a. rehab for his left arm and glared at Kanda. "…huh? Kanda? Engrave this in your head, okay? I. Don't. Need. Friends." Allen spat the last word. It surprised Kanda. He never thought that Allen would go this far to say that he doesn't need friends. The Allen he knew is gentleman and friendly but…this Allen…

"What happened to you?" Kanda said placing his plate in less appropriate manner in front of Allen.

"Whatever you mean?"

"I MEAN YOU!" Kanda slammed his hands on table in front of Allen making the tray, cards, and even Allen in his small frame to jump. Upon Kanda's outburst, everyone at the rage turned their heads to their location and made some commotion to have a better look on what was happening.

"Tch." Allen's cards tower of cards collapsed. Yes, he isn't playing poker all the time. It's hard for him to shuffle the cards like he used to do before, even holding still a card using his left hand is hard. So, in order to gain the feeling of his hand, first is he has to practise the coordination of his left hand before he could do the shuffling.

Allen gritted his teeth when his tower of cards collapsed. "You…idiot…NOW HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO FIX THIS?! I SPENT MY ENTIRE DAY JUST TO ACHIEVE AT LEAST THE FIRST AND SECOND LAYER OF THE TOWER AND YOU JUST RUINED IT?!" he yelled at Kanda's face at the top of his lungs. Kanda was taken aback when he noticed that there were tears forming in his big silver eyes.

"EVEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENNING TO ME! I KNOW I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO ACT LIKE THIS BUT THIS IS THE REAL ME! THE ME THAT I HID FROM EVERYONE JUST TO SURVIVE FROM PEOPLE WHO HUMILIATES ME! *sobs*I spent my entire d-day…to make a tower of cards…I-I know it-it's a simple task to do b-but…with th-this arm…I can't do it right. I can't even hold a si-single card with my left hand for a minute…I can't feel anything…i-it's numb…*sobs* i-if you're wo-wondering why I won't get out of he…re…y-you see…this is t-the only table that was no-not occupied a-and I'm comfortable in here…I j-just can't f-find the right wo-words to s-say this to you w-without…*sobs* I-I don't know…I don't know…I'M SORRY FOR BEING USELESS! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!"

Right after his finished his ranting, Allen jumped down the table and run somewhere out of his sight. He don't why he said those words specially the last sentence. Perhaps it was because of the feeling and emotions that he felt. That very same feeling and emotions he had when he was young. When everyone around him doesn't trust him, those people who had hurt him physically and emotionally, he felt like he was surrounded again by those people once again. Allen was confused. He knew that the people around him won't hurt him but he couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal. This was the worst thing that had happened to him, to feel that emotion. He was afraid, he wanted to be normal again…soon.

No matter if it means to shorten his life again.

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