Twenty- fourth Song: THE BEGINNING

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Allen Walker... The one in the prophesy when the darkness in him came will become the destroyer of Time, the host of the 14th Noah of Destruction also known as the Musician who betrayed the family. It was also said that he will be the one to judge the war. Will Allen help the exorcists win the holy war or join the Noah?

Link sighed at the thought. Based from his observation, Allen was a very hard working exorcist and loyal to his comrades though his selfishness made his friends worried. He noted that Allen wasn't just destroying the akuma to save innocent people, he could feel that Allen was much livelier when in battle field. He wonder what made Allen like this. He also learned from Lavi that Allen was obsessed to akuma. What is he thinking? He even attempted to save Tyki back in the ark, but that was understandable. Allen was so kind and thought he already killed Tyki's Noah. Now that he thought about it, could it be because Allen was also a Noah? What will happen then? Now that he was locked up in the cell. And what about the prophecy.

Shrugging the thought, Link closed the notebook he used to record Allen's behavior and went out of the room, locking it. He tucked the key in his pocket and turned around.

"Wha-" he recoiled upon seeing a brown haired teen with icy blue eyes in gray polo and white pants. His arms crossed behind his head.

"I saw the key." the teen said.

"Who are you?" Link glared at him.

"What? Don't you recognize me?"

Now that the teen said it, Link took a closer look and gasped. They may differ in colors but they have same facial features.


"Yep. I finally dared to drink Komui's potion and it work! I'm back to normal now."

"I see. What are you doing here?"

"Huh? I want to see Allen."

Link stared at him for awhile then he noticed the guards sprawled on the floor behind Lou.

"What did you do to them?" he asked pointing to the unconscious guards.

"Put them to sleep. Why?"

"Nothing. How did you do it?"

"My innocence. It can produce air and I can manipulate it into anything sharp. I just used a needle type weapon with tranquilizer on it." Lou explained with a smile. "I can also repel and nullify your technique." he added.

"That explained why you were able to escape my barrier before." Link muttered to himself. "Let's go before Inspector sees you." he said and dragged Lou by his collar.

"H-hey! Wait! Liiink!" Lou's scream faded as he was dragged by Link away from Allen's cell so as not to wake the latter. But little did they know, Allen Walker had escaped.

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++

"Good evening, Millennium Earl." Neah, who resurfaced once again, greeted as he entered the parlour, where the Earl sat on the couch knitting a scarf, through the ark's gate. "Want to know something?" He asked, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

The Earl stopped knitting and looked up to see the 14th, who he treated as his brother, standing in front of him with a sinister smile. "Neah…" he breathed out the name as he sat aside his knitted scarf and stood, inching towards the 14th. He's been waiting to see him again. "Neah~! I missed you-" he cried, making an attempt to touch him but was stopped as Neah slapped his hand away and turned around.

"Don't touch me so casually Earl." He said. "Though I'm happy for our little reunion after all these years." Neah turned to his right and walked up to the window. He looked outside, observing the place and then watched as the cloud cleared its way to show the bright silver full moon that illuminated then dark place. "What a beautiful moon…" he moaned, longing for something-or rather someone he hadn't seen for a long time. "What if I awoke sooner? What if I came back sooner, as I promised Cross? Would him and Mana still be here fooling around like the old times?" he whispered to himself, smiling a sad and genuine smile at the memories when they were still kids living a normal life. The Earl heard these and felt sorry for his lost.

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