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Lenalee and Kanda were on their way to library to return the books that Komui borrowed yesterday, last week, last month, and last year that he didn't return in time when they saw Lavi outside the library arguing with Bookman. They stopped on their tracks as they listened to their exchange of words until…

"W-what do you mean he will die?" Lenalee asked in shocked.

Lavi and Bookman turned to see who spoke and saw Lenalee and Kanda with a pile of books on their hands looking at them with wide eyes.

"Le-Lenalee…" Lavi trailed off. He was about to say Kanda's given name when Kanda sent him a warning shot thus he forced himself to shut.

They were silent for a while until Kanda had had enough of silence.

"Oi, what are you talking about the moyashi? Is it true? And don't you try to hide anything because he heard you."

Lavi was lost in words. Who knows what Allen will do to him now that he accidentally brought up the topic with Bookman and now was open to the others. "N-no… th-that's not i-it. I-I mean…uhmm…it isn't true! Ahaha. Yeah, th-that's right. Allen is…is…"

"Lavi!" Lenalee warned, head downcast. "We have the right to know what's happening to him. To think that he…and YOU are hiding something makes me feel that I am just a stranger."

"Now." She said with defiant eyes facing Lavi. "Tell us what you know about him and why Bookman said he will die."

Lavi sighed in defeat. Lenalee was right. Allen shouldn't kept it a secret and that as a friend he shouldn't agree on it and should've reason out that he, Allen, must let them know. Should have seen this coming. He thought as he run his fingers through his hair. "Alright. I'll tell you."

And so Lavi told them the tale of Allen's condition.

Later, Lenalee went to see her brother and asked more about Allen that Lavi might not have told them and just as she thought…

"Allen's sense of taste died just yesterday. He can no longer taste any food." Said Komui who was standing in front of them leaning on his table. His glasses glinted when he adjusted it.

"Seriously?" Kanda asked, still couldn't believe.

"Yes. I anticipated this to come but I never thought that it will be this fast. He supposed to have at least a month or two before he gradually losses his senses but this is quite a shock. When he told me last night that he couldn't taste any food I asked him if somehow he could taste at least a little but he said no. He completely lost his sense of taste. He should at least taste a little because that is how it supposed to be, but it seems that the symptoms are showing in a fast rate. *sigh* I should have not let him on missions. This is my fault."

"It's not your fault Komui." Lavi patted him on shoulder. "We all know that that kid is obsess in akumas and that he couldn't live if he won't fight to save their souls. I learned from my observations that fighting akumas is what keeping him alive."

Everyone was too stunned to hear what Lavi said to utter a word. No one in them had ever thought about that. Is it true that Allen is living for akumas? Is that the reason why Allen was being selfish when it comes to battle sometimes? Lenalee scolded him before when they first met Road but never thought that this is how Allen felt.


Komui cut the silence that made all heads turned to look at him. "While he was in Asian Branch, Bak told me that he no longer thinks himself as a human but a tool."

They gasped.

"Why? Why would he thinks of himself as a tool? Nii-san, Is Allen not a human!?"

"…Bak blamed himself for this. He told Allen that innocence is a tool. Equipment types were polished and modified according to the accommodator to use it to its full potential and parasitic types were raw and the body itself serves as its tool. Bak didn't intended to say that Allen is a tool but it seemed that that's how it appears." Komui explained.

Kanda let out a 'tch'. He remained calm on the outside but in the inside he felt like punching the moyashi to wake him up and face the reality that he isn't a tool but a human.

"It appears like Walker is a rusting tool."


"Rude? I'm only saying what's true. Just like an old tool." He retorded.

"Nii-san, can't you do anything for him?"

"I'm afraid I can't. All I can do for him is to lessen the burden and pain he is feeling but not prevent what is inevitable."


"How long?" Kanda asked suddenly.


"How long until…Allen…you know."

"I'm sorry but I couldn't say surely. At first the results show that he still have more than a year but the second result shows that he only have a year and less. It depends on how fast the symptoms will appear."

"Then, we shouldn't let him stress out himself." Lenalee suggested with hope in her eyes.

"We can do that but Allen is stubborn and idiot." Lavi pointed out.

They discussed about Allen's well- being and suggested ideas that might help him cure in which Lavi said they could remove Allen's innocence because the innocence was the reason of his pain which in return received a flying kick from old panda, a slap from Lenalee, saying 'hello' to Kanda's mugen, and a Komurin from Komui who in turn was kicked out by his sister.

How could he suggested that? It will surely kill Allen in instant!

After some trouble they ended up in one idea.

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++


They called Allen to his office. When Allen entered with Link and Lou he received glares from Kanda and Lenalee and sheepish smiles from Komui and Lavi. Kanda yelled that Allen was an idiot bean sprout for not telling them the truth and Lenalee scolded him.

Because they cared so much about Allen, they made him comfortable on the sofa and listened to Komui and Lavi as to why and how Lenalee and Kanda learned about his secret. They told him that he IS a HUMAN and NOT a TOOL then Komui made a declaration.

"But Komui…" Allen whined. "I would die like a rock doing nothing but that! I want to fight too! I'm an exorcist! I promised to keep walking until the day I die."

"You don't understand Allen." said Komui.

"We care about you. Even Yu-chan!"

"I told you not to call me that!"

"Come on now guys. Allen, Nii-san is right. You must not stress yourself out."

"But I'm only living for humans and akumas. It is what keeping me alive. When I was still at the Asian Branch training to regain my left arm I felt like there was emptiness inside me. A void that I couldn't place. I felt like something is missing and I can't bond again with my innocence until I find it. Then the akuma came. When I saw it I felt like my heart pumped once again that I never realized it wasn't beating the whole time I was there. I cold blood warmed and I felt like I was alive again. Then that was the time I regained my innocence." Allen reasoned.

"It seems like we can't stop you." said Komui as he readjusted his glasses. His eyes now visible. He looked at Allen with a smile and said. "If you wish to fight then fight Allen, but promise us that we will achieve our goal together and we will have a time to celebrate it."

Allen smiled. "Thank you Komui."

"But Allen…" Lou tugged on his sleeve.

"I'll be fine Lou." He smiled. "As long as I have you I will live."

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