Seventh Song: INNOCENT ALLEN (?)

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"EVEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENNING TO ME! I KNOW I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO ACT LIKE THIS BUT THIS IS THE REAL ME! THE ME THAT I HID FROM EVERYONE JUST TO SURVIVE FROM PEOPLE WHO HUMILIATES ME! *sobs*I spent my entire d-day…to make a tower of cards…I-I know it-it's a simple task to do b-but…with th-this arm…I can't do it right. I can't even hold a si-single card with my left hand for a minute…I can't feel anything…i-it's numb…*sobs* i-if you're wo-wondering why I won't get out of he…re…y-you see…this is t-the only table that was no-not occupied a-and I'm comfortable in here…I j-just can't f-find the right wo-words to s-say this to you w-without…*sobs* I-I don't know…I don't know…I'M SORRY FOR BEING USELESS! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!"

Poor Allen jumped down the table and run away from their sights while crying. He was confused with his feelings. He doesn't know why he thought that these people that surround him today would hurt him. They are his friends right? They are his family right? He can trust them right? He live in the Order for how long? One year. So why was he feeling this way? He knew that the potion has something to do with this and his previous life but he supposed not to feel this way towards his friends because he knew that they won't hurt him. But then again, he just couldn't brush off the negative feeling.

"Hey! Allen! Come back!"

Kanda run after him. He followed wherever Allen runs to but alas, he lost him. After some few turns he met with Link.



"What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Walker. He escaped again. How about you?"

"Same here…" he mumbled. "You're not taking a good watch on him. You better find him soon." Kanda said and turned his back on him. he wanted to find Allen first to apologize but he can't do it unless Link was not around, so he just went back to cafeteria where he left his soba.

"Where the hell did he go? I have to find him before Inspector Levillier's arrival. Ughh… I can't believe he's a troublesome brat." He muttered to himself as he resumed his searched. Now that it reminds me…Link was not with Allen last chapter. What happened to Link anyway?


"Hey, Walker. Wake up."

"Mmm…gimme 5 minutes…" Allen mumbled. Link shook him again but to no avail so he did the plan B.

"I said wake up."


Allen was tossed out of the bed when Link pulled the bed sheet. "What was that for?!" said Allen rubbing his back. "It hurts!"

"I said wake up. Get up Walker."



Allen went to library to play poker. He chose the place since it was quiet so he can concentrate. He climbed on the chair nearby and sat. He pulled out the deck from his pocket and began shuffling. Upon shuffling, the cards suddenly slipped out of his hands. He jumped down the chair, picked the cards, then went back on sitting and shuffled again but the cards slipped for the second time. He groaned and decided to stop. He kneeled on his knees, he picked up the cards and tuck inside his pocket. Then he looked at Link who sat across him taking some notes.

"What are you doing, Link?"

"Writing." Allen stared at him with his dumb answer.

"I know you're writing. What I mean is…what you are writing…" he paused when Link looked at him. "Right." He sighed. "I know it's all about me but…wait- did you just write what I am doing?"

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