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It was a fine morning at the Europe where people were busy on their own routines. Some went to their jobs and some stayed at home to take care of the kids that were playing with their friends. They seemed to be happy and contented just to be with their love ones but…everything would change once that that someone who they cherish so much will gone. Humans who grieved for their loss attract evil, the one who offers false life, and will give birth to akumas whose souls are trap in the world of the living and unwillingly do the jobs that the creator, the Millennium Earl, programmed them to.

Even though their souls are trap there are some people who does their duty to free them and has the sole purpose of exterminating the Noah clansmen to the extent that they would never be reincarnated to end this so-called Holy War.

They are…

The Exorcists…

But they are not fighting alone. They have comrades back at their HOME, the Black Order, who helps and supports them.

"Ah. Allen!" Lavi waved his hand and made his way to Allen who was eating his enormous amount of food. Yes, Allen went back to normal that early morning after the glorious week of little Allen. *smile* but the problem is his condition since Komui has not finish yet his new medicine. It won't improve Allen's condition but at least it can help control the symptoms from coming out.

"Ohf. Hi Lahfi. Hafa shhit. [Oh. Hi Lavi. Have a sit.] " said Allen whose mouth was full.

"Walker, you shouldn't talk while your mouth is full." Link, who was sitting on his left silently, told him while slicing his cake~. That time Lavi had already sat across them since he couldn't sit at Allen's right side because that was where his empty plates gathered together as an Eiffel tower made of plates. Not that he wanted to sit either sides. Lavi knew very well that at this critical moment, Allen eats twice his usual meal plus it was easier to talk when you are facing him so Lavi chose to sat across them.

"You're not my mother, Link." Allen retorted before stuffing another spoonful of his food. Link felt like a sweat rolled down his cheek while staring blankly at his charge.

"Ne, Allen, how are you feeling?" asked Lavi while poking his pancakes

"I'm feeling more and more hungry every day."

"Really…" Lavi trailed off and stopped poking his food. He stared at it for awhile thinking about Allen's condition. He knew that it has gotten worse as the day goes by though it's unnoticeable to others. He's a bookman so he can see every small changes just by looking at it. Lavi was worried. Though he's a bookman and should not feel emotions for others nor make bonds, Lavi has finally decided to himself that he will do anything for his friends. He's a human, right?




"Huh…? Wh- what is it?"

"You're spacing out, bookman Jr. Walker was talking to you but you're not listening."

"Ahh… Sorry, sorry." Lavi laughed awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Is there something wrong, Lavi? You keep on poking your pancake while I was talking to you."

"Nah, it's nothing really. Ehehe." He laughed nervously and stuffed his mouth with pancakes. Continuosly.

"Tell me, Lavi. I know what you are thinking. It was about me, right?"

"Ahh-" Lavi was about to devour his pancake when Allen asked him. He sighed. Hahh…right. I think I should tell him now. He thought.

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