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A/N: Actually, I don't think I have much to say this time. Thanks Ari for the idea later this chapter, you know what I'm talking about.

Alright, read on!


The three women shared a concerned look, before Dinah shot up off the couch, picking up the girl as she broke down into sobs, and sat on the floor.

"I-I'm s-sorry," Lauren stuttered out. "I di-didn't mean to." She clutched Dinah's shirt tightly.

The blonde rocked the younger girl back and forth. "It's okay, Lauren," she assured, running her hand up and down the girl's back. "It's alright, we're not upset. You're okay, sweetheart," she soothed, continuing to rock the girl. She inspected the girl's clothes, finding them soaked pretty well through. "It's alright, sweetheart. Let's get you calmed down and then cleaned up and back to bed, yeah?"

Ally brought Lauren's backpack over, kneeling next to the two. "Lauren, did this happen earlier, too?" she questioned gently, pulling out the bag with the girls soiled clothes.

Lauren nodded, her sobs intensifying. "I not mean to."

"We know, it's alright, sweets," Normani assured. She looked at the other two, hesitant about what she was about to say. "Lauren, since you don't have anything else that's clean, we're going to have to give you a pull up for the night."

The girl shook her head furiously, giving the women a pleading. "No, no, please, I don't want one. No, please, no," she begged, trying to wiggle out of Dinah's hold.

The blonde only held on tighter. "Lauren, it's just for the rest of the night," she reasoned, trying to stop the girl's squirming. "Just until we get your clothes cleaned, alright? Once your clothes are clean you can take it off."

Lauren stopped wiggling, sighing in defeat. "Okay," she replied weakly.

Dinah stood, adjusting her hold on the younger girl. "Alright, let's go get you cleaned up," she said, starting to walk upstairs.

She carried Lauren to the bathroom as Normani and Ally went to clean up the guest room, and set her on the counter. She went to help Lauren remove her shirt, but the girl wouldn't budge.

"Come on, sweetheart, we need to get you cleaned off. It's not very good to stay in soaked clothes."

Lauren sniffled, still refusing to move.

"Lauren, come on. You can't stay in those wet clothes. It won't feel good and you'll get all itchy and gross," she reasoned, moving to try and take off the girl's shirt once again.

Lauren sighed, but let the woman help her out of her clothes.

A knock on the door sounded before Ally poked her head in. "Hey, I have a pull up-" Lauren whimpered "-and I grabbed one of your shirts for her to sleep in, if you don't mind?" she directed the question toward the taller blonde.

"It's fine." Dinah shook her head. "Thanks, babe." She turned to start the water.

"T-t'ank you, Ally," Lauren mumbled quietly, refusing to look up.

The older woman smiled. "You're welcome. Your clothes are in the wash right now, they'll be dry in the morning, okay?"

Lauren nodded, then let Dinah lift her up and set her in the bathtub. She blushed, squirming as the woman washed her off. When it was done, Dinah picked her up, wrapping her in a towel, setting her back on the counter. By this point, Lauren was too tired to fight, and let herself be put in a pull up before Dinah got her into a shirt.

The blonde picked the girl up, carrying her back to the guest room, where Normani and Ally had put new sheets on. "Don't hesitate to come get one of us if you need anything, sweetheart," she said as she help the girl get tucked in. "We're just down the hall, and if anything, Camila can get one of us for you if you need her to."

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