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A/N: Because apparently just about EVERYONE thought I'd ACTUALLY KILL LAUREN, THE MAIN CHARACTER OF THE STORY, here is the next installment to settle your fears, lmao. So this is kind of split up into different POVs, and there's not a whole lot of Lauren in this part, there is a scene with her don't worry, but I felt everything else was necessary to see. It's also split into two parts but again, many of you needed assurances that I wouldn't kill the MAIN CHARACTER OF THE STORY, so you're getting this. (Sorry for the caps locks, I just really like being dramatic about stuff, it's how my humor works.)

Anyways, read and hopefully enjoy!


Dinah walked into Camila's room with the younger girl as Normani was finishing her phone conversation with Ally.

"Is she okay?" the older woman asked into the phone. She sighed, running a hand over her face. "Okay, we'll be there in a bit."

"What's wrong?" the younger blonde asked, noticing the distressed look on her girlfriend's face. When the other woman didn't answer, her heartbeat sped up. "Normani."

Normani cast a cautious look to Camila. "Mila, I need you to be big right now," she stated.

The brunette frowned. "Why, Mommy?"

The dark skinned woman sighed. "Because, I need to tell you something, but I don't think little Camila could handle it."

Dinah's eyes widened. "Normani, what happened?" she asked again, this time more forcefully.

The older woman sighed, looking between the other two. "Lauren was in a car accident."

"What?!" Camila exclaimed panickedly, looking at Normani. "No, no she's fine," she said, pacing slightly. "She texted me right before dinner saying she was almost done with her shift and that she was gonna come over after."

"How do you know?" Dinah asked, looking at Camila concernedly.

Normani laid a hand on the girl's shoulder, ceasing her pacing. "Camila, listen. Ally just called me. Lauren was brought into the ER about thirty minutes ago," she explained, looking directly at the girl. "One of the nurses found her card, and saw Ally's name on it and notified her."

Camila looked up tearfully. "Is she okay?" When Normani didn't answer, her face fell. "Normani, please, is she okay?" she begged fearfully.

"I don't know," the older woman replied regretfully, pulling the younger girl into her arms. "Ally hasn't been able to see her yet. The doctors were working to get her stabilized."

"Is she going to be able to see her soon?" Dinah questioned. "If Lauren's not good with strangers, she might not stay calm without Ally there."

"Lauren was brought in at the end of her shift, so Ally's waiting to see her," Normani answered. She looked at Camila. "We're going to go to the hospital, and hopefully we'll be able to see Lauren soon. Do you want to be little, Camila?"

The brunette sniffled, wiping away her tears. "No, no, I can't be little," she responded quickly. "Lauren, Lauren is hurt and I ca-can't be little. I have to be big."

"No, Mila, you can still be little," Dinah argued, laying her hands on the girl's shoulders. "You can still be little. The doctors are taking care of Lauren, okay? Ally will make sure of it. If you need to be little you can be."

Camila shook her head. "No, no, I don't want to be little," she stated firmly, slightly stomping her foot. "Can we just go to the hospital, please?" she requested. "I need to see Lauren."

The blonde nodded. "Okay. Change out of your pajamas and we'll go," she replied.

Camila grabbed clothes from the closet and quickly ran to the bathroom. She returned a minute later, changed into plain jeans and a tshirt.

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