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A/N: This is part one of two (maybe more, we'll see how the next chapter goes lol) and I'm splitting it  up because a lot happened in this one and a lot will happen in the next and if I don't split it up I don't know when the chapter would have been posted.

Not a lot of Dinah, Camila, or Normani, but hopefully what happens in this chapter (and the next, because everyone is involved) makes up for it.

Alright, read and enjoy, pups (yes, the nickname is sticking)! :)


Lauren didn't remember going to bed on her own the night before. Really, the last thing she remembered was Normani helping her take a bath (that had become their thing, like Dinah and Camila). She could feel heat rising in her cheeks at the thought of falling asleep in the middle of bathtime, but she was exhausted after the events of the previous day.

And, okay, the rational part of her mind knows that Camila didn't mean it, and that really there wasn't a lot of time for little Mila to adjust to Lauren being around 24/7, but still, it hurt. Eventually, she could get past it, but she still stood by her opinion that her and Camila needed a break from each other in headspace, and maybe it would be a good idea to spend a few days at their apartment or go out together out of headspace and talk about things.

It was still early though, the sun wasn't even up, and Lauren spied her pacifier on the nightstand in the faint glow of the nightlight, and, really, who said she had to deal with all of her problems right this moment? She and Camila planned to spend the weekend at their apartment, and that was a few days away yet. Right now, she didn't see any reason why she couldn't suckle on her paci and sleep a little bit longer. She reached over to grab the pacifier when she saw something fall off the bed from her peripheral vision. Curious, because it wasn't Nala, she was still sitting on the bed, the green eyed girl leaned over the edge of the bed, her eyes widening when she saw Mr. Lamb, Camila's (poorly named but Lauren would never tell her that) stuffed lamb laying on the floor.

What was Camila's favorite stuffie doing in her room? The younger girl never went to bed without him, so what was he doing here?

Lauren rubbed the ear of the toy between her fingers, smiling to herself. She wasn't quite sure what Camila's motivation behind this was, but she thought it was a nice gesture anyway.

She remembered her intention to grab her pacifier, grinning when she saw it was the glow in the dark one with a spaceship. She had lost some of her other pacifiers (which totally wasn't her fault, they just disappeared, okay?), but was happy this was one of the ones she hadn't lost yet. Popping the pacifier into her mouth, she immediately found a good suckling rhythm. Burrowing into the blankets and hugging both Nala and Mr.Lamb to her chest, she slipped back into sleep within a few moments, comforted by the warmth of her blankets, the soothing rhythm of her suckling, and the two stuffies she was clutching tightly.

She never even noticed she needed a new pull up.


A few hours later and the sunlight slipping through the window shades brought Lauren out of her sleep. She tried hiding under the blankets to block out the light, not quite wanting to get up, when she noticed the wet and itchy feeling.

With a gasp, she sat up and tossed her blankets aside, seeing the dark spot not only on her pajama pants, but also on the bed sheet.

"No, no, no, no," she whispered, rolling off the bed and frantically running to the bathroom. She locked herself in, hoping she didn't wake anyone up. She didn't need any of the women finding out about this.

She knew she'd had close calls with the pull up, but it had never leaked before. If they found out about the other times (Lauren didn't know that they did, in fact, know about the other times), they'd probbaly make her use a diaper, and that couldn't happen. She could accept a pacifier, and sometimes she saw Camila using a bottle and longed to use one, too, though she never said anything. And there was maybe possibily a really good chance that she did in fact want to nurse.

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