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A/N: One more update before my trip. Hopefully this turned out okay.

Read and enjoy!


Lauren woke up the next morning to a sticky, wet feeling around her legs. Now, she was used to feeling a wet pull up sometimes in the morning over the last week and a half, but this was different. This time, the pull up was soaked. Like, to the point she was worried it had leaked. She sat up, letting out a small whimper at the sudden movement, and threw her sheet and blankets to the side. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw the pull up hadn't leaked, it was just extremely close to doing so.

She got off the bed and quietly made her way to the bathroom, trying her best to be as silent as possible so she didn't wake anyone up. It was a lot harder than she thought, her movements limited and made awkward by the pull up. Finally, though, she made it to the bathroom, and quickly took off her pajama pants, slipping out of the pull up, disposing of it in the trash can under the sink. After cleaning herself up as best as she could, she searched the cabinets, finally finding a new pull up. She really didn't want to have to wear one, and couldn't wait until she didn't have to wear them anymore. Though she would have to even more careful and make sure she went to the bathroom during the night to prevent any accidents from happening.

She cleaned up her mess and washed her hands, then walked out of the bathroom.

"Lauren, you alright, bubs?" Normani asked, startling the girl.

The younger girl looked up, green eyes wide in slight fear. She hadn't heard any doors opening, how did the older woman know she was out here?

"'M fine, went bathroom," Lauren answered quietly. She wasn't planning on telling them about the close call she had to wetting the bed (though the women would see the soaked pull up in the trash later).

"Are you ready to go back to bed? It's still pretty early."

The raven haired girl nodded, but looked up to Normani shyly. "You stay?" she asked quietly. She could probably fall asleep by herself, but cuddling sounded better.

Normani smiled, holding out a hand for the younger girl, who took it instantly. "Of course I'll stay. Come on, let's get you back to bed."

They walked back to Lauren's room, and the older woman helped her onto the bed and under the blankets, handing over Nala and her special elephant blankie. Once Normani had gotten under the blankets herself, Lauren laid on top of her chest, nuzzling her face into the woman's neck.

"T'ank you, Mani," the girl mumbled, falling asleep soon after.

Normani just smiled and wrapped her arms around the girl tightly, drifting off once again, too.


About two weeks had passed since that night, and the girls were getting restless, Camila especially. Lauren wasn't so much because she still couldn't do much, but her injuries were getting better and it didn't hurt her as much to be up and moving around, as long as she didn't do anything super strenuous. She'd been able to take the splint off of her wrist, which was a great relief to her, though she did have to work on re-strengthening the ligaments in the area.

The girls were in the playroom while the three women cleaned up breakfast.

"So, I was thinking, let's take the girls to the park or something today," Ally said as she placed the last of the plates in the dishwasher. "We haven't spent a lot of time out of the house with them, and it's obvious Mila needs to get out of the house for more than a grocery run or to pick up dinner."

"So what are you thinking?" Dinah asked, leaning against the counter. "Just take them to the park and let them run around for a bit?"

"Yeah, maybe take a small lunch with?" Ally added, looking at the two.

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