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A/N: I swear if anything in this chapter is taken in a sexual context when it's 100% not I'm deleting this whole story.

Okay maybe I won't delete it but I will be very upset if anything is taken out of context and made sexual, any comments will be deleted. 

Read and enjoy!


"Dinah, wake up."

Dinah felt someone shaking her, but only groaned and turned away, refusing to wake up. It was late, she just wanted to sleep. She hadn't slept much since the night of Lauren's accident.

"Dinah, seriously. Wake up."

The shaking continued, and whoever was trying to wake her up was growing more and more frustrated and the next thing she knew, Dinah was being shoved off the bed.

"What the actual fuck?" The blonde shook off her surprise and confusion and saw Normani standing over her, glaring. "What the fuck, Normani?"

The older woman sighed. "Ally and I have been up for like an hour and a half trying to get Lauren to go back to sleep, but she won't," she explained. "We've tried to give her another dose of pain meds but she won't take them. And we've tried lying in different positions, but nothing is working. Will you please go try and get her to take her meds and sleep?" she begged, desperation evident in her voice.

Dinah's eyes widened, and she was up off the floor and out of the room in seconds. She hurried down the hall to Lauren's bedroom, seeing Ally sitting with the girl.

"Ally, go, I'll take care of it," the younger blonde ordered softly, pulling the shorter woman off the bed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Go back to bed."

Ally nodded, kissed both of the others' cheeks and left the room.

"Alright, Lo, can you please take your medication for me?" Dinah asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You'll feel a lot better, and hopefully you can sleep the rest of the night."

Lauren looked up, and the blonde could see the exhaustion on the girl's face. "You stay?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'll stay," Dinah agreed. She reached for the two tablets and the sippy cup of water on the nightstand, holding them out for Lauren.

The girl look at them skeptically, before reluctantly taking them. Dinah wondered why she refused to take them for Ally and Normani, but put it up to the girl being exhausted and frustrated.

The taller woman set the cup back on the side table, before climbing into the bed under the covers. "Alright, let's find a comfortable position for you," she said softly, gingerly helping Lauren move around.

After a few minutes of movements and adjustments, Dinah was sat straight up on the headboard while Lauren was lying with her back right against the woman's chest and her head tucked into the woman's shoulder. It wasn't the most comfortable for Dinah, but Lauren was asleep in minutes, so she'd deal with it for the night.

Hopefully things would be better in the morning.


Things were definitely not better in the morning.

Dinah was overwhelmed. She had slept on and off until about eight, when Lauren woke up and needed her pull up changed. Her back and neck were super sore from sitting against the headboard all night (not that she would say anything because she knew Lauren would worry she was too much of a burden even though she wasn't), and Lauren was restless and fussy from not being able to get into a comfortable position again.

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