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A/N: Here is the next installment! A little more progress is made. Hope you enjoy!


Dinah didn't expect her idea to work so well. She just thought Lauren would be more comfortable cuddling if she had a blanket; she didn't think it would cause the girl to sleep so long. Lauren had stayed asleep for the remainder of Tangled and about halfway through Inside Out. The blonde figured the girl was a lot more exhausted than she originally thought, and was content to just sit and hold Lauren as she slept.

The girl looked so peaceful as she slept. Her face was completely relaxed, and her body wasn't so tense like when she was awake and fighting them on everything. Dinah couldn't blame the girl though, it was so obvious she had been abused in the past and it would take time for them to build the level of trust Lauren needed to let go and be little, but they were willing to work with her. And while Ally and Normani wanted to just let Lauren learn on her own, Dinah knew it would take a more than that. That's why she went out and got the blanket in the first place. A slight push wouldn't hurt, and clearly it was effective if the soft snores coming from Lauren were any indicator.

They were just at the end of the movie when Dinah felt Lauren begin to stir. The younger one had one hand holding the blanket close to her face with her fingers near her mouth, with her other hand clutching Dinah's shirt. The blonde felt a tug on her shirt, but didn't think much of it, putting it up to the girl moving a bit in her sleep. When the tugging continued, Dinah looked to see Lauren pulling on her shirt right where her breast was.

Dinah frowned. Did that mean something? Was Lauren aware of what she was doing? She didn't have much more time to think before the tugging ceased, and the girl started to open her eyes, rubbing them sleepily.

Green eyes looked up shyly, and the blonde smiled, deciding not mention anything. "Hi, sweet cheeks, you have a good nap?"

Lauren blushed, looking back down and turned to hide her face in Dinah's chest.

"Come on, Lauren, it's almost lunch," Dinah stated, sitting up in the recliner as the other three went to the kitchen. "I bet you're hungry now, huh?"

The girl nodded, still not looking up. She stood to walk to the kitchen, still holding on to the blanket, when the blonde stopped her.

"Wait, let's leave the blanket here." Dinah stood, trying to take the item.

Lauren whined, shaking her head. "Wan' blankie," she mumbled, trying to get Dinah to let go.

The woman laughed, shaking her head. "No, come on, you don't want it to get ruined, do you?" she reasoned, still trying to remove it from the girl's tight grip. "Let's leave it here and you can have it back after you eat, alright?"

Finally, after a few seconds, the black haired girl let go, letting Dinah take the blanket.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Why don't you go join the others in the kitchen? I'll be there in a minute."

Lauren nodded, and lazily walked to the kitchen as Dinah stayed behind. She was confused as to what Lauren pulling on her shirt meant. Was it accidental, or was there a specific reason behind the gesture? The blonde wasn't sure, but she'd have to talk to Ally and Normani about it. She set the blanket on the couch then walked into the kitchen, seeing the girls already eating sandwiches.

"Mama, mommy made us 'nana and 'oney san'wiches," Camila stated as the woman walked into the room, holding up said sandwich excitedly.

"I bet that's yummy, baby," Dinah replied with a smile. "Lauren, is yours good?"

The older girl nodded, sending the blonde a shy smile.

Dinah walked over to the counter where her girlfriends were making their own plates. "Do you guys know any reason why Lauren would be pulling on my shirt right above my breast?" she asked quietly, making sure neither of the girls could hear.

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