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A/N: Another update for you all. Hopefully it turned out as good as I think it did.

Read and enjoy. :)


The first thing Lauren noticed when she woke up was that she was no longer lying against Normani, but instead tucked under her blankets with Nala in her arms. She was afraid the older woman had left, but the sight of an unfamiliar backpack hinted that the woman might still be there.

The second thing she noticed was that she probably should get a change soon. Her diaper wasn't completely soaked, but she could feel it was wet and stuck to her skin as she rolled over. She could probably wait for her Mommy to come back and change her; right now all wanted was to find her paci that fell onto the bed sometime in her sleep.

She had just pulled the item out from the mess of blankets when Normani walked back into the room. The older woman smiled when she saw Lauren looking up at her, contently suckling on her pacifier.

"Waking up, bubs?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. She pulled the blankets back just enough to reach over and began tickling the girl's sides. "How's my little baby now, hmm?"

Lauren whined and squirmed away, not liking the assault. "No, Mommy, stop, stop," she pleaded through a fit of giggles, trying to get away from the older woman.

"Oh? Does babygirl not like tickle attacks?" Normani questioned as she continued her assault, eliciting more laughs from the younger girl.

After the earlier events, she was happy to see Lauren so relaxed and carefree. The green eyed girl deserved it after everything that had happened to her in the past.

"Mommy, st-stop, p'ease," the girl begged, trying to catch her breath. When the older woman finally relented, she moved as far away from her as the bed would allow to settle her breathing. "Mommy, wet," she said once she had finally calmed down.

Normani nodded, and stood to grab the backpack by the door. "Thank you for telling me, Lo," she replied as she got out what she needed. She grabbed the towel from both and set it on the bed. "Come here, bubs, let's get you changed then."

Lauren scooted over to lie on the towel and let Normani lift her shirt and untape the diaper. She squirmed a bit at the cold feeling of the wipes, but settled down as Normani gently ran circles on her tummy with one hand.

"Such a good baby, staying still for Mommy," the older woman murmured as she rubbed some powder onto the girl's legs before slipping a fresh diaper on, taping the sides securely. She disappeared for a few moments to toss out the soiled diaper and wipes, and sat back down on the bed when she returned.

Lauren immediately climbed into the woman's lap, laying her head on Normani's shoulder. The two sat in peaceful silence before Normani spoke.

"What do you say we get you dressed and then head back to the house? Mila's going to be off work soon, and I'm sure I know a certain little one who needs to eat."

The girl hid her face as she stomach rumbled, seeming to agree with the woman's statement.

"No wan' pants, Mommy," she mumbled.

"Well, when we get back to the house you can take them off. But going out to the car you need them."

Lauren mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like 'stupid pants', but nodded in affirmation. Slowly, she climbed off the woman's lap and stood on the floor, letting Normani help her into a pair of black leggings with stars on them to go with her gray NASA t-shirt. She also put on a gray and black striped beanie.

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