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"Man we not going to let him get away with that shit." Joel raged.

I sat beside Marquez watching him glare at my brother as he ranted on the ways he was going to make sure he got Jose back. "Nigga had your stupid ass not brought a gun to a fist fight this shit wouldn't have happened." Marquez yelled. "I could have fucking died!"

Marquez was pissed and that was clear and I understood his anger. This was my brothers fault. I sat there feeling slightly awkward knowing I had just fucked the man they were plotting against. My mind easily drifted back to the night Jose and I had sex. It honestly was the best sex I had of my life. The way he paid extra attention to my body and the way it reacted when he did certain things, and he made sure to continue to do it if my body liked it. I shuddered thinking about it, he made my body react in ways it had never before. He was a lover and that was for certain.

I hadn't talked to him since then though, and it'd been at least two weeks at this point, part of me wanted to run into him and part of me wanted to avoid him.

"Jo!" Joel called out, pulling me out of my thoughts. "You don't hear me talking to you?"

I shook my head as both of them stared at me. "My bad, I zoned out."

"Start kicking it with Isabel more I said."

I brought in my eyebrows, "why?"

"So we can know where them fucking chulos be."

I shook my head, "hell no! I'm not getting into that shit. I don't fuck with this dumb ass war to begin with, the shit is stupid. I'm not about to be an accessory to nothing."

Joel smacked his teeth as Marquez cut in, "yeah don't do that shit." He cut his eyes at Joel, "you really losing your fucking mind. Bringing your sister into this? And when she gets killed who the fuck you gon' blame? Cause it ain't gon be nobody fault but your own."

Marquez got up heading towards the door as my brother sat there silently. I got up following behind him, walking to his car with him. He unlocked the doors as I slid in the car. I sat down, closing the door as he looked over at me, stress written all over his face. "Wassup Jo?"

"I just want to make sure you're good." I answered honestly. He ran his hand over his face, "I'm good. Your brother just on some bullshit. That little Spanish chick got his head fucked up. I just know that bitch double edged, she working with them mothafuckas but keep enough loyalty to Joel to make him think she rock with him harder. He being stupid as fuck, his plans stupid as fuck, your brother just stupid as fuck."

I chuckled, "I think he's just uneasy, he didn't expect for you to get hit."

"That's the thing about this street shit Jo, you can't ever expect anything. Only expect the unexpected. But I ain't worried. I'm going to get them mothafuckas back. I'm gunning for Jose like he gunning for Joel, and the crazy as mothafucka with the buzz cut."

"Ramon." I stated.

"So that's that crazy mothafucka, we heard the name even had a estimate of where the nigga lived. Never knew his face though." He paused for a second. "Wait, how you know?"

"That was the guy that you know," I trailed off knowing he would catch on.

"That tried you. Yeah, he first on my hit list in that case."

"I'm not for you out here killing people Quez, I don't want you locked up."

He smacked his teeth, "man fuck these police. They see all these people dying and all this shit going on and they faking on the news like they trying to figure out who killing who. Them mothafuckas ain't doing a damn thing but watching the shit happen, they ain't came out to one neighborhood, ain't question not one person and if they did, guarantee they ain't do shit with the information. They don't give a fuck. I got a better chance of dying than being locked up for killing one of them mothafuckas. They want us killing each other. That's how I see it."

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