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"I can't believe you didn't kill that nigga." Ramon stated as he took a pull from the blunt in his hand.

I had my head laid back with my eyes close, I knew I would hear their mouths about it. I expected it. I didn't respond as my mind raced.

"Let me find out you turning pussy on us." Enriquez taunted. I opened my eyes, lifting my head up. "Don't get fucked up. That ain't never the case."

"Then what the fuck was it?" Ramon asked as he looked towards me.

"Man, he spared the nigga, almost like a truce. Get off his back." Roberto interjected on my behalf.

"For fucking what though? You were so gungho to kill him eariler and when the time come and you got that nigga at your begging mercy  you pierce him in the sides? That shit don't make no sense."

"Man he fucking with that bitch, I don't care what you say. You fucking with his sister." Enriquez stated as he looked at me.

"Fucking with who?" Ramon asked, all ears now.

"That Johanna bitch."

I hated when people called females bitches and he knew that, I felt like he was doing it to purposely get a reaction but I wasn't about to react.

"You fucking with her?" Ramon asked with a smile on his face. "Is that what stopped you? You ain't want your girl crying and shit."

I didn't respond, I couldn't. The only thing that stopped me from blowing his brains out was the thought of Johanna, couldn't even lie. The way she would react, how distraught she would be and I ain't know if I could live with putting that kind of pain in her life again. She'd briefly told me about the toll of losing her parents, but to leave her with nobody? I'd have to be a selfish mothafucka. I cared, as much as I didn't want to, I cared.

"Man, drop it." Robert yelled as he took a pull from the blunt trying to pass it my way. I shook my head no, no matter how stressed I was I wasn't hitting that shit.

"Nahh, be real Jose. You fucking with that bitch?" Ramon asked with a smirk. "Do I need to dead that bitch so you can handle business?"

I stood up, "Imma head out." I announced as I started to make my way towards the door. If I stayed I'd be at it with all of them.

Ramon started laughing, "if I see that mothafucka imma put bullets in him, and if I see her might drop a few her way too."

"You couldn't put a bullet in that nigga when he was right in front of your face last time. I ain't too worried but do you." I stated.

That pissed him off as the smile dropped from his face. "Man, fuck you Jose!"

"Yeah iight." I walked out quickly making my way to my house. Roberto stayed about a block from me. I got to my house, heading to the bathroom to flush my face. The shooting took place only three days ago and the shit was eating me up. I felt like I let my crew down by not killing him, but in the same instance I felt like I did justice for Johanna. I had to get out of my thoughts though, after washing my face I plopped down on my couch as my phone went off, I picked it up seeing a text from Robert.

You better get that girl bro. Not killing her brother, making me hold her at that wall to make sure she ain't get hit in the gunfire. You don't do shit like that for somebody that's just a fuck.

I read his message and locked my phone, he was the only one up on game on what was up and that's because he forced his hand in it. I flipped through channels looking for something that caught my interest as a knock came through on my door. I sat their ignoring it until another one came through. I got up and answered it just to be met with Melissa and my little sister. I smiled upon seeing my sister, she hugged me tightly before punching me in my chest. "Why haven't I saw you in like two weeks?" she asked with attitude. I had been slack. I usually stopped by my moms every week. "Damn, I'm sorry." I stated as they walked in. Maria took a seat on the couch, quickly picking up the remote and changing the channel.

Opposite Sides (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें