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"Wait, so they threatened you?" Enriquez asked Melissa as I walked into the bar. I smacked my teeth upon hearing the shit. I told her I would handle the situation so I didn't understand why she was running and telling, but in the same instance Enriquez was her god-brother.

"Bitches threatening my sis yo?" He questioned once he realized it was me who walked in. I took a seat across from them, "I said I would handle it. Ain't nobody gon' do shit to her." I didn't even understand why she was here right now.

"Yeah, they better not. What the fuck they threaten you for?" He asked focusing his attention back on Melissa.

She looked at me, already aware of how the shit with Johanna and I was on the low. She shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her purse to pull out her phone. Enriquez looked over at me, eyes squinted. "You got her lying for you?"

I looked at him like he was stupid as she jumped in, "One of the girls thinks I have something to do with this war shit."

I was annoyed by this conversation, Melissa was scary as fuck. She was making a big deal out of nothing. I understood she ain't do the drama shit, and I told her I would keep her out of it. But she decided to open her mouth up in that bathroom when she shouldn't have.

I didn't even understand why she cared whether or not Johanna liked her, if Melissa and I did start fucking around like she's been hinting to me that she wants to ever since her and her boyfriend broke up; the shit shouldn't even be relevant if Johanna likes her or not. In all reality she wasn't ready to deal with someone like me, and she was making that clear with this petty shit right here.

"Why would they think that though?"

I sighed, "that nigga Quez was there. The girls were with them."

"Party people!" Roberto yelled with a smile on his face as he came over sitting down. He dapped everybody up as he laid a kiss on Melissa's hand. "What's good?" He was all smiles, as always.

"Apparently these black girls tried Melissa in a bathroom," Enriquez quickly stated. I rolled my eyes at the statement, "what? For what?" Roberto asked feeding right into the shit. 

"Man can we talk about something else?" I asked cutting in, "this conversation pointless." Roberto looked at me with confusion written on his face, before Enriquez proceeded to tell him Melissa's side of the story.

I pulled out my phone to keep myself occupied while we waited for a couple more of the boys to show up. A lot of shit had been put to rest since the shooting that Ramon put together himself, the blacks hadn't fucked with us and we hadn't fuck with them. But I knew this shit was far from over, I knew some shit was coming soon and I just wanted to make sure everyone was prepared. I honestly was over the shit, I was enjoying how smooth everything had been after what happen died down. I could get used to living my life again freely without feeling like I had to watch my back. But something would have to give first.

"Who were the girls though? Like what they look like? Was one of them Johanna?" My ears perked up as I heard Roberto ask the question I quickly looked over at him as Melissa looked wide eyed, probably surprised by the fact that he knew her name. I couldn't even believe the shit came out his mouth. Enriquez squinted his eyes at me as everyone sat quietly, nobody answering the question. He looked at Melissa, "you gon' answer him?"

She shrugged her shoulders, looking down, "I-I don't know." She stuttered. She was a bad liar, every time she was about to lie she looked down, avoided eye contact. I always studied people's movements, it said more than their words. I chuckled at her antics, she was a good girl though so I couldn't even be mad at how weakly she handled these type of situations.

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