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Areena's Pov

By the time, I reach his office. I am total mess. My feelings are uneven. I just want to run away from here.

I take lift and reach to the reception. An average lady welcomes me.

"Sir. Is waiting for you in his cabin, this way please."

I follow her and reach to his cabin.

When I enter,there is no one except him, standing beside the window watching outside.

"May I come in,Sir"

He move his gaze to me.

"Just call me Abid and yes come in please"

I gulped. He again say please.

I enter and make my way towards the table. I feel his gaze on me. I put my lappy bag on his table and sit on the chair. He also sitted on his chair.

"Would you like to drink something, Tea or coffee."

"No, thanks. just one glass of water, please."


He rings the bell and a man enter into the cabin.

"Bring one glass of water and two cups of hot chocolate."

I instantly look at him at the name of Hot Chocolates. He gave me his one of his charming smile and wink.

I instantly look down.

Is he seriously Abid or his twin??

"I am leaving for Dubai tomorrow. So thats why I set up a meeting in a hurry."

He said and my heart drops.

Ohh common... this is not the right time.

"Its okh Sir. Where are the other members??"

"They are not invited."

"But...why... There is a meeting today...how they are not invited. Is the meeting cancel??"

"Relax.. Areena... Relax.."

He said calmly and I nodded.

"I just have to discuss some ideas and important issues only with... Youuu... So I didn't invite anyone."

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