The Chilliest Hours

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Once night fell, (f/n)'s parents locked the house up tight and made sure that all of the outside lights were on. (F/n), though, couldn't help but look out her window at the cemetery. Her eyes were pinned on the mausoleum that the creature had been in. He probably wasn't in there anymore. Some unfortunate individual was most likely being killed by him.

Her gaze turned back to the mini fridge. By the end of the evening, it would be filled with that poor person's parts. Bile formed in her throat, and she ran to the bathroom. She locked the bathroom door and emptied her mouth before she rinsed.

Leaning forward, she placed her head in her hands. Her nerves were on high edge. The creature never had stated when he would try to get into the house. He could already be in it for all she knew. She didn't want to meet him again or be in the same room with him.

Looking up and into the mirror, she almost jumped. For a moment, she had thought that she had seen the creature behind her. She peered over her right shoulder, and he wasn't there. There was only the wall. Her heart relaxed before she screamed.

(F/n) fell backwards and collided with the plush rug. Her hands supported her up and kept her head from hitting the tile, but her entire body trembled. It hadn't even really registered that she had fallen. Rather, it was focused on the door. A loud knock had sounded there.

"(F/n), are you alright?!" her mother called worriedly. Her heart eased again, and she steadily brought herself to her feet. "(F/n), what's wrong?!"

"Sorry, mom," she quickly replied and unlocked the door. Her mother sighed in relief and looked over her daughter to make sure that she wasn't hurt. "I just thought that ..." She trailed off, realizing her mistake.

"It's alright. I understand. Soon, that thing will be gone, and you can truly relax." She rested a hand on her daughter's back and ushered her out of the bathroom gently. "Dinner's ready. Some food will do you good." (F/n) gave a weak nod back. Despite her mother's good intentions, dinner didn't sound that lovely. Her mind kept focusing on the creature's dinner, and it was really making her lose her appetite.

When she was seated at the kitchen table, (f/n) looked at the food before her: a bowl of chicken and rice soup and homemade bread. It was perfect for the cold night, but she could only move the spoon idly. Her behavior was easily noticed by her parents, and her mother leaned over to her father. She could hear their whisperings, but she didn't mind it. It wasn't anything bad; they were merely worried.

H*ll, she was concerned too. As the night progressed, the likelihood of the creature popping up increased. It was completely unnerving. She hated the deal that she had made with him, but the other option was worse. When her parents both glanced to her, she took a small bite of the soup and continued to eat slowly after that. They relaxed once they saw her eating.

It was a quiet meal. At least, on her part it was. Her parents mainly discussed some news articles that they had read in the paper. (F/n) wasn't interested in the topic; her mind was elsewhere. Once she finished, she excused herself and put away her dishes. She headed off to her room afterwards.

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