The Cruelest Awakening

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Pale morning light shone in through the car windows, but the sun was only rising. It couldn't be seen too much through the thick cloud cover, but it broke through a few small gaps. Yesterday, it had snowed, but it hadn't been too thick to cover the roads significantly. A heavy snowfall, though, looked like it would happen that evening.

Luckily, they would reach the town of Dunnuuna before then. In fact, they only had about six hours left of the drive. By early afternoon, they would be there. During past twenty-four hours, only two more stops had been made, but not a lot of time had been sacrificed.

The car made a left turn. It was now nearly a straight road to the town except for one more left turn at the end. That movement, though, shifted the passenger's body. (F/n) moaned a bit in discomfort before she rolled onto her right side. She ended up lying halfway off of the backseat.

Her fingers skimmed the carpet, and her brows furrowed. The car hit a bump, and it tossed the teen off of the seat. She landed in a compressed position on the floor. Groaning, she opened her eyes and steadily picked herself up. A red blanket rolled off of her shoulders and pooled around her legs. "Wh-what ..."

Narrowing her eyes, she wondered where she was before everything hit her like a lightning bolt. She froze before she hurriedly inspected herself. There didn't seem to be any binds on her, and she didn't appear to be harmed in any manner.

Peering over her shoulder and up, she noted that Krista was faced away from her. She continued to drive as if she hadn't heard the sounds from her passenger at all. Rather, the woman was humming that odd tune again.

Picking herself up slowly, (f/n) seated herself on the backseat. She remained quiet since the tension in the air had increased tenfold. Just when had she fallen asleep? (F/n) remembered leaning against the car door and getting lost in her thoughts about what would happen once they reached the town. During that, she must've fallen asleep, and Krista must've stopped the car at one point and moved her. Why, though? What purpose did that serve?

(F/n) set the blanket aside and scooted towards the right passenger door. Had Krista simply been courteous and moved her to the backseat so that she could lie down properly? That seemed too odd, and the teen half expected bars to appear between the two of them. Glancing down to the door, she paused. There was no button to unlock. She looked to the other door, and it was the same thing. Her heart skipped a terrible beat. (F/n) tried the window switch. It didn't work. Quietly, she scooted over to the other door, but she was met by the same result.

As she slid back to the other side of the car, she shifted her eyes towards her driver. Her heart grew cold, and her skin crawled with trepidation. Krista was staring right at her. A murderous gleam lit up her eyes, and a grin was on her lips. The teen couldn't help but gulp. She felt like she was caught in a spider's web.

"You'll have to come back up front if you want out." Her tone was playful and threatening. Krista moved her face closer, and (f/n) wondered if the woman had a neck made of rubber. The teen backed up more against the door. Suddenly, Krista spun around and faced the road again. Her voice returned to its normal state. "Sorry, the windows have been broken for awhile now. It's cold outside, so you shouldn't try and open the front passenger one either."

Infectious Intent (M. Yandere x F. Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن