The Deadest Details

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

All of her went rigid. When had he entered the space? She hadn't even heard his soft footfalls. Mentally, she cursed herself for being too focused on the items in the room and not listening for him. As she was about to look up and over at him, something hit the ground and rolled towards her. Hesitantly, she glanced down before she instantly averted her eyes.

Krista's head lied on the ground a few feet from her. Her (e/c) orbs diverted to the creature, who leaned against the entranceway. His nails tapped against his right arm. She noted that the rest of Krista was near to him, and the sight almost made her vomit.

The teen forced herself not to glance to the creature's side. She gulped and took a couple of steps back. He had caught up too quickly; she didn't even have a weapon yet or some plan formed. Her eyes stared back to the chair before she saw the nails there. They still looked to be quite sharp.

"Don't even think about it, (f/n)." No giggle left the creature; he was completely serious. "My father's bones have already been defiled enough, and I doubt that he would be happy if he killed his only son in death." His pale orbs met hers, and she backed up some more.

"H-how ..."

"Nick's already told you about what had happened here I presume. Not the whole story but some of it." The creature bent down and lifted up Krista's body before he started to drag it across the room. (F/n) moved away from his oncoming figure and held onto the blanket more tightly. "Oh and if you're wondering, I hadn't killed him. He already had bolted when I had arrived at his apartment."

She released a breath in relief, but fear swiftly filled her lungs again. The creature pinned his eyes to hers. A maddening smile coated his lips, and anger flared in his eyes. "You shouldn't be relaxing." He giggled at a higher pitch than usual. "I'm still pretty pissed off about this whole thing." Almost, a growl escaped past him lips. "I really never had wanted you to find this cabin or at least this room." His eyes broke their gaze, which caused (f/n) to ease by a fraction.

Tossing Krista's body into the fireplace, he reached into a red vase, which was on top of the mantle. He removed a box of matches and kicked the woman's body into the fireplace more. After he struck a match, he threw it atop Krista's body, and more flames sparked to life. The creature chucked in the woman's head next. His eyes observed the dancing colors behind his sunglasses.

"I had even been planning to punish you upon immediately finding you, but that trash," he indicated to Krista, "had found you first. The d*mn b*tch." His head turned to (f/n) by a little bit. "She even had wounded you." He faced her fully before he removed his glasses and put them in a pocket. For a few moments, he squinted before his eyes opened a little bit more. "Those bruises are awful."

Instinctively, (f/n) reached up to touch her neck, but she stopped herself since she had to hold up the blanket. Remembering her state of dress, she wrapped it even more around her. The creature didn't crack a smile at her action. Rather, he moved closer to her, which caused her to back up more until she hit a dreaded wall. He didn't close the distance between them, however. "Because of that, I'll give you a little rest." His arms rose in a grand gesture. "I'll even give you a prize!" A dark giggle left him. "You get to hear what had occurred in this room, and it might even help you to kill me."

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