The Scariest Viewing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"I-I-I-it can't be." (F/n)'s father became more terrified but not for himself, for his daughter. He fell back on his hands and appeared as though he was a ghost. The clouds covered the moon again, but the father still saw that emotion there. Grinning, the creature lifted a thin strip of flesh to his lips and partook of it.

Her father was glad that he couldn't see every color before him, but the sound itself was disturbing. He imagined the creature pulling off a sliver of his daughter, and he about puked. The man leaned forward and grabbed his stomach, and the creature quirked a brow. His mind tormented him more with the thought of that thing kissing his daughter or something even worse. That caused him to curl up more.

The man hated seeming so pathetic in front of the thing, but he couldn't help it. Horrid images kept flashing through his mind. "Pl-please ... tell me that she doesn't ..."

"She doesn't love me back, but that carries no importance to me. We still come in a pair. I don't care if I don't have the approval of your wife or you. What should matter to you is whether you wish to see your daughter again." The creature licked off his fingers before he rested his chin on his right knuckles. "If it would make things easier, we can go to your home and discuss things with your wife too. I won't harm either of you at all."

Scoffing, the father peered up at the shadow of his face. "How am I supposed to believe that?"

"Well, the deal would entail me living in your home." The creature resisted the urge to giggle since that deal already was in place with his little helper. "And, it would be rather awkward if your wife and you went missing. Eventually, the townsfolk would discover that your daughter is there, and that would raise a decent amount of questions."

"And, do you think that we wouldn't reveal your presence to the rest of the town?" A scowl rested on the man's lips, and he sat up straight.

"Well, you could, and they most certainly wouldn't believe me claiming that you had removed organs from one of your clients to call me to you." The creature shrugged. "If you unveil me to the town, I'll simply leave, but I'll be taking (f/n) with me." He giggled. "I would be more worried about your daughter. I wouldn't recommend letting her go back into the town."

Confusion and hesitation crossed the man's face. "Wh-what ... What do you mean?"

"Surely, you've seen how people are treating your daughter's disappearance?" The creature raised a brow, and his left nails pulled off another piece of flesh. His eyes remained on her father, however, and he motioned for the creature to explain more. "Well, they'll all quite happy that she's gone. They might feel bad for your wife and you, but they could care less about her. To them, her vanishing meant my disappearance too."

His grin fell. "If you bring her back here and show her presence to the town, they won't be grateful. After everything that's happened, they'll assume that you've brought me back too. To them, (f/n) and I already come in a pair." A heavy frown coated his lips. "And, it won't surprise me if they ignore the rules/laws set in place. They won't care about the money; they'll capture your daughter to lure me out. Or, they'll try to anyway. Announcing her presence will end her safety here."

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