The Densest Deliberation

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Eyes closed, she didn't know what to feel. Tears softly glided down her cheeks and ran into her (h/c) hair. Her fingers lightly tightened around the blanket over her. It hurt to move anymore. (F/n) had even noticed that her shirt and bra were gone, but she didn't scream or shout. She was too tired to do so; she was simply too weak, and the conversation in the main room didn't aid her.

If anything, it only increased her exhaustion. Her mind swirled around the information. Haley had wanted to capture her ever since she had received the call. The younger teen's niceness hadn't truly been there. She had been completely fooled by Haley, and she wondered if the rest of the town felt the same way.

Everyone understood that she was the creature's prime target. There was no hiding the fact that Nick and she had drawn the creature out of the tunnels. Nick had made the right choice in getting out of town as quickly as possible. A sigh, inaudible to most ears, parted from her. Probably everyone blamed her for the creature's terrorizing of the town.

Most had been kind to her. Some had kept their distance; some had given her hateful looks, but it hurt to know that all along Haley had harbored such plans for her. Everyone else who had been pleasant most likely felt the same. She wondered if even her parents possessed similar feelings.

Another few tears escaped her eyes. She hated how she couldn't even roll onto her side and curl up under the blanket. (F/n) wished to hide and disappear into the shadows for a little while. Her teeth bit her bottom lip softly to contain a sob. Loneliness tapped along her skin before it pierced her head and formed its domain there.

A cruel thought tugged at her mind. What about the creature? Almost, she was tempted to hit her head to knock out the idea, but she remained still. She had heard the creature, and it was clear that he had been defending her against Haley even though he understood that she kept no warm feelings for him.

When the creature's voice had lowered, her heart had seemed to stop. Her entire body had felt cold. It had been as though she had been under a blanket weaved of death's chilling breath. That moment, though, had only proved Haley's statement more. He was attached to her in a way that went beyond his need to have her as his partner.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone through all of the trouble to save and defend her. Such a realization concerned her, but it didn't cause her tears to halt. It only made them worse. Her parents gave her comfort and support, but she couldn't accept it fully. She had to deny it; she couldn't rely on them completely, or things would somehow become even more of a nightmare.

There was Nick. After the previous events, though, he might back out, or he might think that she's dead and stop. Still, he had left her soon after she had awoken in the hospital. He had gone to save his own skin, but she couldn't blame him. She would've done the same.

Truly, the only one who didn't leave her alone was the creature. That only crippled her more. She had never meant to capture his attention. In reality, it had probably saved her down in the tunnels. No, she knew that it had, but that didn't calm her sinking mind. Maybe, Haley was ... (F/n) shook her head lightly.

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