The Unluckiest Slip

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

His attention directed itself back onto the screen. She didn't care what he was watching; she found her room much more interesting. (F/n) went to put a foot on the ground but waited to see if he noticed. He made no motion that he had, but he could be faking. Debating on whether she should bolt for it, she set her foot down and then another. Still, he made no movement.

Steadily, she turned her body to face forward, but she kept her attention on him out of the corners of her eyes. As she was about to stand, she heard, "Why do you humans sprinkle stuff on and in everything? It's so pointless." She leaned back and acted casually as his gaze traveled onto her; however, she looked to the screen. He was watching a cooking show. That didn't make her feel any better about her situation.

"It gives the foods more flavor," she answered as calmly as she could. She could easily picture him sprinkling salt and pepper on her, and she had the urge to put a lock on the seasonings' cabinet.

"So, you say." He put another strip in his mouth, and the meat on the show became incredibly unappetizing to her. "I've tried that stuff before. I think that it was salt, and it did nothing. I added a whole shaker onto the hand too. I think that you're lying."

As if picturing him eating a hand weren't bad enough, she couldn't imagine eating that much salt in one go without gagging. A look of pure disgust crossed her face, and she had the urge for some water. "I need some water," she mumbled, and the creature giggled in response. Luckily, he made no motion to stop her when she got off of the couch. If she hadn't said anything, he most likely would have.

She retrieved her glass from before and filled it up with the beverage before she took a large gulp. His focus remained on the television, and she quietly walked in the other direction. That was the case until she saw a pillow flying at her. Swiftly, she stepped back, and it landed on the floor. A quiet curse left her mouth, but she was glad that it had only been a pillow. Another giggle hit her ears.

Frowning with dread, she picked up the item and walked back over to the couch. "You shouldn't leave unannounced, (f/n). It's very, very rude," he scolded as she took a hesitant seat again. She ignored him and set down the glass. It was obvious that he had something planned, and she already had a feeling of what it was. He wouldn't have talked about dessert in that tone otherwise. There was the possibility that she could distract him, though.

"So, you can't taste any seasonings?" she asked, hugging the pillow to her as though it were a metal shield.

"I don't know. I just tried that salt once, but I've tried human foods too. It all tastes like absolutely nothing. I could only eat air and have the same result; it doesn't satisfy my hunger in the slightest. There's also the fact that it smells terrible to me."

"Then, do you spit it out or anything?"

"No, it gets digested and everything, but it seems that I get no nutritional value from it. I can only eat humans, so don't try and think of a way to feed me your food. It won't work, and I'm not your pet." His tone had turned several notches darker at the end, and it chilled her blood. He had mentioned those individuals in the past who had tried to tame him, but she doubted that they had left such a mark on him. The killings in their area had only been occurring for six years, so where had he been beforehand?

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