The Shakiest Alarm

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Puffs of snow rose up in quick successions. Air rushed by, and the smell of pine dominated the air. Branches were whipped back, which caused snow to crash to the ground behind. Footprints were left too, but the owner didn't care one bit. They would be covered before anyone was the wiser to track them. If someone did follow them, the individual would be delivering their self onto a platter.

A grin was plastered on the male's lips. His focus on the scenery lacked severely, but that posed him no trouble. No, he was far too happy to be cautious about such a little detail. Things had taken such a delightful turn, and his speed was faster than usual because of it. He almost leaped into the air and twirled, but he didn't desire to waste seconds on such an action.

Rather, his feet pounded against the earth harder. His breath was uneven, but he ignored it. The news was far too great. Even if his little helper despised it, it wouldn't tarnish the loveliness of it. He easily could picture her eyes going wide and her body shaking in terror, worry, sorrow and defeat.

Their deal still would be in place, but her chances of killing him would be reduced. She would be absolutely horrified at the contents of the deal that her parents had committed themselves to, and she would be horror struck even at the fact that they had come into direct contact with him. It would be more difficult for her to keep her arrangement with him a secret, and he could only imagine the chaos that would ensue from her parents discovering those nuggets of information.

There was another piece of juicy meat on top of the plate. Her parents were too frightened to make an attempt on his life even if her father hinted otherwise. Losing their daughter was their ultimate fear, and he could morph that nightmare into a reality for them as though it was blood flowing down his throat.

Having a flower as a lover really did create a simpler situation. Even if someone were to pluck her petals and steal them from him, her stem would remain in his hands. Not even (f/n) could free herself completely.

His grin stretched across his lips more, and his mind returned to the perfect plan. It made his heart sing and his body ache for her. The creature licked his lips, and his left fingers twitched. How he desired to bite into that soft flesh of hers at that moment. Even if she moaned in pain, it would sweet music to his ears. None of her resistances could lessen his mood.

If she hadn't finished the trail mix or rid her mind of that awful pest, he wouldn't grow vexed. No, he would push it aside and handle the matter later. His want for dessert and informing (f/n) of the news were his priorities. The creature's teeth latched onto his bottom lip lightly, and he imagined it being (f/n)'s.

Such a thought nearly caused him to lose balance and crash into the snow. He could discuss the agreement between bites. A giggle left him. That certainly would create a problem, though. It would distract him from his words, and he might forget to disclose the news until the next day. Her taste was quite intoxicating after all.

Bursting out of the trees, he saw the cabin in the near distance. Somehow, he managed to race towards it at a quicker rate. Even the daylight didn't hinder him, but his sunglasses did help a little in that. His eyes glimmered with glee, and his nails itched for crimson.

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