The Edgiest Proximity

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Shifting against the old vinyl, (f/n) tried to keep herself warm in the car while she waited. Her hands were under her armpits, and her knees were up to her chest. She understood that it was impolite to put her feet up on the car seat since it wasn't her car, but she was doing her best to maintain her body heat. Krista hadn't given her the car keys; she only had opened the car for her before she had gone back inside, so there was no way for her to switch on the heat.

At least, her stomach was full, and she was recovering some bits of energy from the hike. She even had more snacks for later in her bag by her feet. They mostly were granola bars except for a few bags of dried fruit. Her coffee was next to her too, but it had grown a little cold. No steam rose from the small opening in the top, and barely the cup warmed her hands if she held it.

There was a pressing problem too besides the possibility of the creature charging out onto the street and towards her. Her body required sleep, and she hadn't received it for over twenty-four hours. She was exhausted, and the coffee wasn't fully keeping her eyes open.

Already, she had caught herself drifting off several times, but she couldn't fall asleep in Krista's car. She only had known the woman for almost an hour. Thankfully, the seats weren't a new, plush fabric, or she wouldn't be able to resist the urge as much.

Her eyes averted over to the driver's window. She peered over to the station's store. Krista remained at the counter, and she helped another customer that had stopped by ten minutes ago. Presently, she appeared normal and wore a kind, work smile, but her behavior from before and recently had been ... bizarre.

Not only had she seemingly forgotten a strange statement of hers but also she had insisted that (f/n) wait in the car even though she had fifteen minutes of her shift left. Krista had created the excuse that her oncoming coworker was a bit of a flirt and would cause her problems if he saw her. (F/n) had been skeptical that he was that bad since he probably would've received multiple customer complaints, then. Then again, the gas station was out in the middle of nowhere, so the owner probably hadn't received too many applications for the job.

Krista hadn't taken no for an answer, however. If (f/n) hadn't moved her legs willingly towards the entrance doors, she wouldn't have been surprised if Krista had shoved her out. At least, the cashier had been nice enough to unlock the car and not make her wait outside of it. (F/n) supposed, though, that not encountering another individual was for the best. It was possible that Krista's coworker watched the news and would recognize her. That would cause too many issues, but that brought her back to the puzzle that was Krista.

You really are her, aren't you? The statement rang in her head again. It was possible that Krista was fully aware of whom she was, but she was keeping that detail a secret for some reason. That reason troubled (f/n) if that truly was the case. Was Krista planning on using her as bait for the creature? If so, the cashier's scheme would fail, and the creature would kill her.

The thought of the cashier woman being one of the creature's fanatics greeted her mind again. Krista did love the paranormal from the sounds of it, and her behavior had become unnerving after the mention of Dunnuuna. If she was one, was she jealous? Did Krista intend to travel to the ghost town so that she could perform an offering to the creature in hopes of gaining his favor?

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