The Deadliest Room

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Her breath was ragged, and her legs were worn out to the point that she couldn't run anymore. She only could speed walk. Even that, though, was a joke. It more appeared like she was marching in an over-dramatic manner, but she refused to stop at all. The creature hadn't caught up with her yet; however, (F/n) comprehended that luck wasn't on her side.

No, it was far from that. She had heard the screams behind her. Even now, they still penetrated the air like an army of banshees behind her. It reminded her of that time when she had been in the tunnels and left Brent. Only this time, no guilt ate at her. Krista had asked for what was being delivered to her, and she shouldn't have assumed that the creature could be controlled. That had been a foolish and fatal mistake of hers.

Footsteps sounded beside her, and, for a moment, she froze. Her eyes went wide as she glanced to her right. Brent stared back at her. That blasted smirk of his coated his lips. His light brown eyes shone with delight. "Ah, this certainly brings back memories. It wasn't as cold back then, but I like it like this. It makes you suffer too."

Narrowing her eyes, she barked out of urgency, "Leave me alone!" He quirked a brow. "I'm tired of you bothering me. You're dead, so get out of my head!"

"I'm not dead to you."

(F/n) wished to punch the smirk off of his lips, but she understood that she would only be hitting air. She clenched her fists and faced away from him abruptly. "Yes, you are." Her feet advanced forward. "I hadn't killed you. I gave you the option that might've allowed you escape."

"Oh yes, because torture had been so much better than dying quickly." His feet moved again. "You had left me to suffer and die. You probably had been grinning to yourself, yet you pretend to have been tormented by my screams. You make me sick."

"No, you make me sick!" she shouted, a growl escaping her throat. "You act like I had tied you to that chair, like I had tortured you and like I had killed you. I had done none of those things. You're just jealous that I had lived and received some of the reward money. You could care less about my reasoning behind my choice, so f*ck off already."

"Oh, getting feisty? Are you going to attack me like the creature?" A smirk met her lips, and she chuckled. Her eyes shifted to him, and it was his turn to freeze. "You are, then." Amusement greeted his eyes. "You're finally going to admit that you're like him."

"No. That isn't the case at all." Fully, she faced him. She laughed. "You just admitted that he had attacked you, not me." He frowned. "And, I'm not going to attack you. No, I'm done with you. Bother someone else. My life doesn't revolve around you. Go bother Tara. She's dead like you." (F/n) spun away from him and continued on her way. The teen heard crunching snow behind her, but she only lifted her right hand and flipped him off.

Not another footstep sounded behind her. Her heart calmed down by a fraction, and she grinned to herself. That had been one more win for her. (F/n) smiled even more when the cabin finally came into view. She pushed her legs to go a bit faster, and they, thankfully, complied.

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