The Boldest Praise

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


A pine stood tall in front of her, and others surrounded her. (F/n) was certain that she couldn't be spotted, but she couldn't see anything around the trees either. She had to rely on her ears, but there was another problem. Her footprints gave away her position, but she couldn't dart off. The creature would hear her. If she wanted to move, she would have to advance towards the cabin like a mouse.

The racing footsteps halted, and she heard Krista gasp. Something dropped into the snow. (F/n) didn't know if it was the bat or Krista. Had the creature already killed her? She took quiet steps towards the direction of the cabin. Her body shivered terribly, however, and she had trouble keeping her teeth from chattering. It would be pure luck if the creature didn't hear her at one point.

Slow and soft footfalls resonated throughout the air. (F/n)'s heart beat faster and even more so when she was no longer entirely behind the trees. Her (e/c) orbs caught sight of the creature and Krista for a moment. The creature's back was towards her, and Krista stood like a statue while her eyes were wide with ... with adulation. It disgusted the teen immensely.

Krista fell onto her knees and bowed before him. (F/n) couldn't stand another second of the scene. She became covered by the trees again. "I'm so elated to see you at last!" Her raised voice broke into joyous laughter. "Y-y-y-you're here ... before me!" The teen thought that she heard tears.

An annoyed groan reached the teen's ears next. (F/n) could picture him rolling his eyes. Krista would no longer be alive soon, but, maybe, the creature would spend more time on the woman. It was an awful thought to have, but that woman had been planning on using her as an offering for her messed up goals.

"I heard a crash." There was a pause, and he most likely was glancing towards the car. "Were you the only passenger in there?" Krista was about to answer, but the creature cut her off. "Wait ... No ... No, you weren't." A giggle greeted the air. The teen heard footsteps for a short bit. "I knew that I had recognized that smell. She's here just like I had suspected." His smirk clearly made itself known in his tone.

"Yes, she is!" Rushed feet crunched the snow. "I was just about to retrieve her for you." Krista's words were desperate, aching for the creature to stare back to her. "I can find her." Soft footfalls sounded. The creature probably was meeting her gaze once more and urging her to continue.

"You brought her here?" He paused before he giggled. "That'd explain the car, but you lost her?" His tone became unreadable. Krista gulped loudly. Something hit the snow, and the teen presumed that it was the woman. "And, you even brought a bat?" His footsteps greeted the snow again. "What had that been for?"

Once again, (f/n) became removed from the trees' cover. Her heart thumped thunderously in her chest. He probably would hear it at any moment. The teen saw him near the metal bat before he bent over and picked it up. "Well? You love me, right?"

Instantly, Krista's orbs brightened. "Yes!" She was overjoyed. (F/n) thought that the woman would kiss his bare, cold feet. "Yes, I do!"

"Then, tell me how she had escaped, human." His tone grew playfully low. (F/n) suspected that Krista would be killed or tortured in the next few moments. Krista, though, didn't even flinch. The woman was too drawn in by him.

Infectious Intent (M. Yandere x F. Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora