0 Prologue

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In the early hours of the evening, a pretty teenage girl walked through the streets of the city she'd called home for eighteen long years. Her hazel-colored hair bounced behind her in waves, her brown eyes were reflecting the shining nightlights of the city, and a smile was stretched across her pink lips as she hummed a pop tune to herself, oblivious to the world around her.

Brooke was walking home from a surprise party for her friend Marilyn, which had been a smashing success. There had been games, good drinks, and a lot of cute boys to joke around with. She always laughed when looking back on their blushing faces as she talked to them. Brooke was aware of the effect her looks had on people. Cute, precious, pure, a goddess even. Someone people thought could do absolutely no wrong due to her appearance. She loved to use it to joke around with others, with no harm done of course. She always did it in good fun. Nothing that would hurt anyone's feelings as far as she knew.

Brooke had become so engrossed in her thoughts of getting home and sleeping that she had no idea of the feminine figure following behind her in the crowds, keeping a safe distance from the girl with hands clenched in their pockets.

The girl eventually reached the quiet street that her house resided on and continued with her leisurely pace, still unaware of the growing malice of the person behind her. The tranquility of her walk was cut short by a burning pain that went from Brooke's stomach to her brain, causing her to almost scream out in pain before a hand covered her mouth, muffling it. When she tried to struggle away, the pain intensified to a point that she began to cry.

"You whore! You have everyone else! Why'd you have to seduce him?!" Whatever had been plunged into Brooke was ripped out again and shoved into her trembling form once again. She had no idea what this lady was screaming at her about, only that everything hurt so badly. Her tears started rushing forward faster.

The woman seemed to take pleasure in Brooke's tears and started to stab her again and again and again. Everything burned and hurt so badly that Brooke eventually blacked out, going completely slack against the woman holding her hostage. She was dead.

The unknown woman finally released Brooke from her grip, her lifeless body flopping to the ground with blood staining the sidewalk below her. She suddenly flipped her corpse over and began to grin.

"Let's see if he wants you after this, bitch." The woman sneered and began to mutilate Brooke's face with the knife that had once plunged into her without remorse. Gentle features turned unrecognizable and bloody, looking like a monster right out of a horror movie. With that, the killer was finally satisfied and walked away, humming a pop tune just as her victim had.


Brooke felt as if she was in a deep sleep, eyes and body heavy. The pain she had felt from earlier was only a terrible illusion? Was what she had experienced a dream? Dreams could be extremely realistic. She slowly blinked her eyes open and stared at an unfamiliar ceiling before sitting up and gazing around slowly. This was most definitely not her bedroom, it was much larger than hers and the bed was way comfier. Not to mention the decor was entirely made up of white and pastels, completely different from her own more simplistic room. Where was she?

[ You're in my space, a place for the host to rest and recuperate. ] A gentle voice came out of nowhere and Brooke looked around to place it, only to realize it had come from inside of her.

"Who are you? Why are you in my head?" Brooke thought, rubbing her head to check for bumps. There were none.

[ I am 137, the 'Seduce The Male Lead' system. You have died. ]

Brooke nodded solemnly, already guessing that whatever happened hadn't been a dream. "Why?"

[ Because a woman was jealous of you, leading her to kill you. ]

"But I didn't even know that psycho!"

[ She knew you and knew you were to blame for her relationship breaking apart. That's why she killed you. ] 137's voice was still gentle but firm, speaking like everything it said was fact. Brooke couldn't help but feel herself burn. How was it her fault whoever that lady's boyfriend couldn't take a joke?! She didn't even remember who he was! Why did she have to die for his mistakes?

[ I agree. It was quite unfair, but we're stuck together for now. Would you like to hear about how I work? ]

"Well, I can kind of assume by your name, but sure, 137."

Brooke could then practically see the smile on the system's face. If it had a face. This was getting too cliché novel-like at the moment.

[ Yes, as my name suggests the host's job is to seduce the ML and help the original body you use to reach their wish. This goal can range from each class of world, spanning from F-class to SSS-class, just like in many novels. ] Called it. [ Every time you successfully finish a mission, you will be able to stay in the world until the body expires and use the points you gained from the world to gain benefits for other worlds going forward. All benefits are permanent. ]

"That sounds useful." Brooke grinned all of a sudden. "Wait, if I'm supposed to seduce the lead, does that mean I can basically slap the protagonist to release all my post-death anger?"

137 paused for a second at its host's question. That was a bit unexpected, but the system liked the change of pace. [ Essentially, yes- ]

"Then let's get to it."

[ ...... Really? ]


[ You just died, are you sure you want to- ]

"I'm 100% sure that I want to do this. I have a lot of energy for a recently dead person."

137 had already begun to like its host more. [ Alright then. The world we will start with is F-class, the starting block. Once we enter the world I'll give you all the information on the body you'll be residing in. For now, here are your tasks. ]

A holographic image suddenly popped up in front of Brooke, listing three tasks for her.

'1. Become popular and befriend at least ten people.

2. Get the ML to ask you out. You cannot ask him in any way.

3. Make the entire school hate the protagonist. Any method is valid.

You will begin transmigration into your new body in 3...2...1....'

The world in front of Brooke went dark when the countdown reached 1.

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