1.5 The ML Is Now A Beast

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Annabell was walking through the hallway to the office with a subtle smile on her face, conversing with Jules in her head per usual. Escaping from her fan club had been easy as none of them possessed the same schedule she did, plus signing up for being a student guide had been the easiest thing ever. Being Miss Greene's favorite had such wonderful benefits. Joining the Newspaper Club would be even easier at this rate.

"Jules, what was it that you said about 'skills' or whatever earlier?"

[ I had remembered it recently. Host has three different types of skills. Innate, which you brought over from your original life and body, Stolen which you gain from your host body, and Bought which you receive from using points to buy them at the end of a mission. ]

"How did you forget all this?"

[ I'm not sure. If I wasn't in your head, I'd forget I was a system. ]

Jules was being completely honest in this statement. If it were a human, it'd likely get lost after seconds of stepping out of their front door, even if they had somehow wandered into the backyard. Brooke had already been too attached to blame her poor system. She'll just deal with its terrible memory for as long as it won't kill her.

"Anyway, could I see these skills? Do I have to open a menu or something?"

[ There is a menu. I'm surprisingly organized. Please wait a moment. ]

Annabell felt her head fill with static, still somehow walking to the office and greeting the occasional late student running through the halls. Finally, a selection screen seemed to pop-up in her head, just like her tasks.

[ System Menu - Please select an option

- Host Status -

- Tasks -

- Worlds -

- Store - ]

She was surprised by the simplicity of the menu, but also a bit intimidated. From what she had learned over the years, the simpler the menu, the more sub menus it had within it. Tedious and way too particular they would make navigating a website suck dick. Too bad this website would constantly be in her head. She assumed any skills would be in [ Host Status ] so she selected that.

[ -Host Status-

Host Name: Brooke Evans
Age: 18
Gender: Female
System #: 137 (Jules)
Current Rank: F
Current Body: Annabell Richards
Skills: 6 [View Details]
Points: 200]

Brooke was about to select Skills when she realized that she had arrived at the office doors. She'd have to check them out later. Planting a cheerful, pink lipped smile upon her porcelain face, Annabell walked into the office and greeted Miss Greene.

"Good morning, Miss Greene." She let out an exaggerated gasp. "Is that a new jacket I see? You have to tell me where you got it."

Miss Greene giggled like she was the same age as Annabell. The girl knew style if she saw it at the very least. "Oh, this old thing? It was a gift from my grandmother. I'll let you borrow it if you want."

"Really? I wouldn't like to inconvenience you-"

The chatting girls were interrupted by the clearing of a throat. Miss Greene couldn't help but subtly glare at Charlotte. Terrible style and terrible manners. Already two marks in her dislike box. Annabell revealed nothing but slight embarrassment by her pale cheeks flushing, giving Charlotte a sheepish smile.

"Pardon me. I didn't know you had business with Miss Greene..."

Charlotte gave 'Snow White' a perfect smile depsite cursing her existence in her mind. She was just as pretty, if not prettier than that girl. How was she being treated with more care and friendliness than her? Another thing that would need to be changed. Or she could just get the old hag fired. "It's alright. You seemed quite into conversation anyway."

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