What Else Could've Been - Vampiric Sister

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[ A modern holiday look at some reader's favorite unconfirmed vampire couple! Happy Holidays, lovelies 💖 ]


"But why not?"

"Etienne, no."


A long, deep sigh that turned to a warm puff of faux smoke in the cold air.

"We are not getting a Christmas tree that big."

The woman, rose gold eyes narrowed and forehead creased, was a smartly dressed blonde beauty. Hair tucked up into a maroon knit cap and snug in a matching  trench coat along with fur boots, she looked straight out of a fashion magazine. Young and pretty, the only thing that was in any way unusual about her was the fact that both of her glove covered hands were being held by two young children who looked nothing like her.

"But just think of the decorating possibilities! Do you know how much tinsel we could wrap around one of these?!"

The gentleman, much louder than the young woman, was lacking in winter wear but still attractive. Navy blue hair in a somewhat naturally bedhead style and magenta eyes that could usually be found in laughing slits were now wide with a child-like glee as he frantically gestured to the point of discussion, a humongous pine tree that was in his words perfect for a Christmas tree. Ungloved, calloused dark hands motioned to the tree as if to emphasize how much tinsel could be hung from its needle coated branches.

"I said no and that's final. Where would we even put such a thing?" Turaya at this point sounded rather exasperated rather than annoyed. It was already the evening time, and it was getting darker and colder. This trip for a Christmas tree was supposed to be quick so as to avoid the cold's effects on little Renaut, the poor thing could barely stand 30 degree weather, and it was supposed to snow later.

She knew it would've been better to keep Etienne at home rather than bring him along. Although the vampiress had no idea why he had such a love for decoration, it had become his purpose in the household to decorate the estate for every season and holiday but Christmas seemed to be when he went all out. They had this exact argument every single time.

Etienne raised an eyebrow. "Where wouldn't we put the tree. The estate is giant and the ceilings are high, we should have no problem with putting it somewhere nice!"

"Well what about keeping it alive until Christmas? Cleaning up after the needles dropping off? Disposing of it afterward?" Ever the voice of reason and practicality, Turaya would not give in.

Seeing that his argument was getting him nowhere with the love of his life, Etienne felt that he had no other choice but to use his greatest weapon.

The joy of the children.

"Wouldn't Renaut and Samone have so much fun decorating it though?" Turaya's shoulders visibly tensed at this suggested and her expression went from miffed to confusion to intrigue. He had her interest. Time to throw out the hook.

"Wouldn't it be an excellent family bonding experience? Decorating such a large tree together?"


Etienne could see the gears turning in Turaya's head as she considered the tree from an entirely new angle. As simply a decoration with a time limit, the tree was a burden. But as a holiday family bonding experience, it was a goldmine of memories and fun for a person as family oriented as Turaya. Sure their family was rather unusual, an oldest sister who was a vampire, her also vampiric boyfriend, and two children who were adopted somewhere along the line, but it was a family nonetheless and one that the blonde girl valued.

Which was what had lead to the current chaotic scene in the living room of spewn about boxes of ornaments, left behind mugs of coffee and hot cocoa, strings of tangled lights, and half finished garlands of popcorn (Samone's idea from a movie she had seen a night or two before). Turaya could regret getting that tree for as long as she pleased, but it was in the living room and things were being done to it.

This was Christmas in the Giandim household, chaotic, loud, yet a warm bundle of love all at the same time.

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