2.2 Kids Are Bratty, Driving Me Batty

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Turaya couldn't help but notice how light this kid was as she walked through the snow, despite him being ten-years-old. Maybe it was because he was so thin. Or maybe because she was a vampire. Did vampires have superior strength? She'd figure that out later.

When she finally reached the 'house' (could places this big even be considered homes?), the halls that were once stained in blood were sparkling clean just as she'd requested them. Impressive. If she hadn't seen it, she would've never thought a massacre occurred here.

"Those men move fast. It's just as cold as it was outside though. Oh, there was a fireplace in that room I arrived in."

Turaya pet the head of the young boy in her arms lightly. "Hold on for a bit longer, alright? I'll get you warm."

She felt the hands against her clothes tighten. So he was awake. That means they could talk after she got a fire started.


[ Yes, Host? How can I help you? ]

"Is there anything else I need to know about this mission? I'm asking because I have time."

[ There is indeed! This mission you'll be joined by another Host! But don't worry. The purposes of your Systems are different. ]

"How so?"

[ I am a Romance or Relationship System while the other Host's System is a Job System. Those types of Systems work for the Boss for various tasks such as finding items for the System Store or recording the state that Hosts left Worlds in! ]

Turaya nodded slightly. She would have to ask Jules in detail what other types of Systems there were. Other than Jules she knew of no other Systems, so some type of education on them would be appreciated.

"Final question. Are they a Host or Hostess?"

[ A Hostess. Is Host excited to talk to another lady? ]

"Not particularly."

Jules may have sounded cheerful, but they were actually freaking the fuck out. More than they ever had in their entire life. There were only supposed to be two Systems, them and System 840. But there were three. THREE. Where was the third one?! Jules was crying enough to fill the ocean but wouldn't expose their suffering if it cost their salary.

Turaya found the room she was looking for, a study of sorts, and quickly moved to put firewood into the fireplace and light it. She was beyond thankful for the time her mother took her camping and forced her to learn how to light a fire. Despite the fact she was still mad at her for later burning the food they bought.

The fire cast out a warm glow on the dark room and Turaya was able to accurately get a good look at the boy. He was quite pale due to laying in the snow in the cold of the night, and he had vibrant tufts of damp orange-hair which melted snow had soaked into. She would've looked at his face if it weren't buried in her chest.

However, this brought a new worry to light. How could Turaya pretend to be his sibling if she looked nothing like him? And she had no idea what the parents looked like. She could always go the illegitimate child route, but that would ruin the deceased reputation. It was the only thing that could make sense unless she could remember eight-grade genetics.

Oh yeah, eighth-grade science had a genetics unit. They had learned about dominant and recessive traits, along with Punnett squares. How could she remember that? Whatever. That was way too complicated to do right now, especially since she'd have to go find pieces of DNA from both the Duke and Duchess and somehow analyze them in Medieval-ish England. No way.

"Hey kid, you awake?"

A nod.

"Good. Could you let go of me?"

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